Homework #3

I believe Capa’s photo of the fallen solider is not staged because it is possible for the solider to get shot while Capa takes a picture of him since he is out in the open while the other soldiers are hiding. At first, I thought this photo was staged because it doesn’t show where he got shot but after seeing a photo of his position in the war, I believe it is not staged. I find Whelan’s argument convincing because he also provided photos to prove his point. In my opinion, I don’t think authenticity matters because every photo is unique in its own way, doesn’t matter if it’s authentic or not.

Falling Solider by Shara Bryan

First look at this photo and you would assume it’s staged. But this photo needs to be dissected and looked at closely for that to be determined. How could a photographer capture a photographer like this one? That’s was one of my first questions. I thought it was staged at first because of the angle of shot as well as how he was able to get a picture the second the solider was shot too. After reading the arguments about the image, Ive concluded that the image isn’t staged. Even though there is a few things that didn’t add up first like the general agreeing to stage bodies for them to take pictures of. That couldn’t have been the case though because this picture was taken during the time of the solider being shot, not after. This picture just couldn’t have been staged due to the position of the solider.

In closing, after reading the arguments and throughly examining the photo, I do believe that the photo is authentic and I do agree with Richard Welan’s arguements.

Falling Soldier

Capa’s photograph, Death of a Loyalist Soldier,was not staged. The way the body fell and the placement of both hands made the image real. If a person falls, human instincts to place your hand down to support your fall. This soldier’s hands were at his sides and plus he was holding his riffle. In Whelan’s discussion, a Captain told the fact that the fingers are somewhat curled toward the palm clearly indicates that the man’s muscles have gone limp and that he is already dead. It is nearly impossible for any conscious person to resist the reflex impulse to brace his fall by flexing his hand strongly backward at the wrist and extending his fingers out straight.

Alison Yan, Homework #3 Robert Capa

Loyalist Militiaman at the Moment of Death, Cerro Muriano, September 5, 1936

Loyalist Militiaman at the Moment of Death, Cerro Muriano, September 5, 1936

Robert Capa’s photograph of a Falling Soldier raises questions to the authenticity of the photograph.  The photograph of a falling solider looks staged to me, because a lot of elements in this picture look too perfect, or not detailed enough.  The position when the solider fell does not appear to be a natural position, rather, it looks like he was in an ‘I’m ready to fall’ pose.  If the solider is getting shot at during this exact moment, the view does not hint at where the bullet hit, nor is there a detailed information about the picture.  There was talk about gathering soldiers to take a posed photograph.  Because taking pictures in open fire is dangerous, it is the reason why war photography is a really hard field to tackle.  I think Robert Capa’s works are very commendable, but whether or not his photographs are an accurate depiction of times of war.  Also, whether or not his photographs represent a wartime masterpiece or they are staged war photographs, only he would know the truth.

It is hard to know if what we are shown is authentic or not.  If we are not a primary witness, we don’t know what happened. It is the same as listening to an oral tale.  The photographer is a primary witness, that we know, because the photographer is at the scene to take the pictures.  So when seeing photographs, people tend to think it is real, that the event did happen without a doubt, as it is.  But because things are captured by one person, the photographer, they can easily fabricate the event, and tamper with their own work.  People would not know the truth unless they are told, or until they are proven right or wrong.  Having a camera is a powerful weapon and tool to capture the truth.  Now that I think back on the pictures, I realize that I question the authenticity of how much was the actual truth and how much was staged, like a photoshoot.

HW #3: Robert Capa’s Death of a Loyalist Soldier

Before I read Whelan’s article I looked over Capa’s photo very carefully trying to spot something that would lead me to belive that it was a staged photo. But after reviewing it I believe that the photo was not staged. Whelan article has a lot information that comes from different sources on where Capa may or may not have been during the time of the war. It dosent necessarily state facts on Capa’s whereabouts at the time the photo was even taken. The photo to me looks like the solider had been struck by something that caused him to fall back. Maybe Capa was staging the photo and the solider getting shot was something that just happened. Either way it made for a great photo with good converstation to disscuss different people opinions on whether or not it was staged.

I do beleive authenticity only matters when it can in fact be proven to be authentic. When there are different versions of a story it becomes more intresting because you begin to search for the truth, like an adventure. If you feel you have found the truth in something than it makes you feel more just in your opinion at the subject at hand.

Falling Soldier

while doing research of biography of Robert Capa,  Richard Whelan has expressed his mixed feelings about the famous photograph about the fallen soldier during 1936 Spanish civil war. The photograph of fallen soldier shot in head has arose wide issues about its authenticity. Most of the audience has believed it to be staged. I, myself understand this photo as a fake and staged too. There are no exact evidences traced about Robert Capa traveled to Spain and captured that snap right on the spot when the soldier was shot in head and fallen to the ground. The falling body’s gesture also expresses that the photograph was staged since it doesn’t seems dead body falling to the ground.

Homework #3 Robert Capa

As I read Whelan’s argument, overall I think the photograph “Falling Soldier” is not staged, but I think he was trying to set up a stage though. The argument was very convincing. I do not want to say the entire photograph faked, but I think Capa was trying to set up a stage at that moment, but unfortunately, the soldier got a bullet in his head right before he tried to do some pose. I think that was real and that moment was not a fake and staged. Since there is no any distinct evidence of the truth, we cannot have an argument that is staged or not. And since Capa is already gone and no one can really tell the truth, why do people hurting his reputation?

He was a great photographer, loved war photo, and tried to show people the truth of the war. As that facts, he deserves the reputation already and to be respectful.

In addition, I do think authenticity is important. Because of one photo, it can change the point of view and bring the people confusion and distortion of the truth.

I like to have an example of staged photograph, which is “Alexander Gardner, Home of a Rebel Sharpshooter, July 1863”. This Gardner’s photo is known as staged photo, and somehow I can sense Capa’s photograph seems similar. I think Capa was trying to do somewhat similar with this photograph.

Robert Capa Homework Jessica Abate

I thought  Whelan’s argument overall was convincing about Robert Capa’s photo of the fallen soldier. I did not think his entire argument was convincing because some parts seemed like a stretch. He talked a lot about where Capa might have been when he took the photo and right before it, but that was all based on what other people said. There was no concrete visual evidence to prove what he was saying was true. His strongest point that was most convincing was talking about the positioning of the hand. That was visual evidence that scientifically makes sense and is not based on what someone else said or thinks.

I do not think this photo was staged. Based on what Whelan said about the placement of the hand and the look of the photo in general, I think Capa did take this photo as someone was dying. Also you can clearly see the mark in the man’s head. At that time, I do not think photographers had the ability to stage something that looks so realistic.

Regardless of what I think about the photo, I do think authenticity is important. Especially in this case it is important that photographers tell the truth about the photo. Capa’s entire career was based on this photo, if he lied his entire career was faked. He was most famous for taking the first photo of someone dying, so if that isn’t true he shouldn’t have deserved all the fame he got.

Alison Yan, The Counterman

The poem “Counterman” by Paul Violi is a relatable poem.  In this poem there is two parts, each part is a dialog between the counterman and the customer.  The first customer sounds like he/she is just trying to get a simple sandwich.  The second customer sounds like he/she is ordering a fancy sandwich; he/she is describing like a piece of artwork.  To me these two customers in the deli project the people in New York City.

This poem is related to me because this sounds like the lifestyle in New York City. The two faces of New York City one is the fancy and sophisticated lifestyle and another is the quick and busy lifestyle.  When I am rushing to get somewhere I will be like the first customer ordering fast, in and out.  And other days I will want a to be sophisticated with a pinch of salt, a dash of ketchup.

HW #2 – Civil War

My love for coffee and food are both equal, but if I were given the choice whether to give up food or coffee, I would give up coffee. The benefits of choosing food outweigh the choices of coffee in my opinion. Food is a very important essential that provides us with energy throughout the day and it is needed to survive. Food carries necessary vitamins and nutrients that our body needs. Also, food has a lot of variety to choose from and it’s very delicious.

Unfortunately, those during the Civil war, soldiers were very limited in their food supply and resources, but their main necessity was coffee during that era. Based off of these articles I find it so fascinating that the civil war soldiers consumed a staggering amount of coffee throughout their day. I definitely assumed that the main food supply of consumption would have been mainly bread. I am very thankful that I am not limited in my supply and resources when it comes to coffee or food. I have such a love for food, but my guiltiest pleasure of them all would be potato chips. Despite the lack of health benefits that majority of chips may have I can’t resist the crunchy and saltiness it has to offer.
