HW #3 – The Fallen Solider

Stephanie Aguayo

Homework #3

In the controversial 1936 photograph taken by Robert Capa, “The Fallen Solider” in the Spanish civil war, many people questioned the authenticity of this photograph. In the article of In Robert Capa: In Love and War by Robert Whelan he argues to come to a conclusion of how accurate the evidence is of this image. As I continued to read this article I found that the “The Fallen Solider” was convincing because the position of the solider was described as, “The Fact that the fingers are somewhat cured toward the palm clearly indicates that the man’s muscles have gone limp and that he is already dead.” This statement appeared to be convincing evidence to me and that this could not have been staged. Despite that, weather or not this photograph is authentic does not matter, simply because during that era capturing a man getting killed in a photograph was unseen before. “The Fallen Solider” photograph indicates the brutality of war and shows a man dying for his country. The image sent a message and gave the visual to civilians of what was actually occurring during the Spanish war—or war in general.

Hw #3

When I looked at the photo for the first time, I didnt notice the deep meaning behind it. I thought it was a normal photo with some solider posting with their guns on hand. But after I analyzed the photo there are evidence that proves it is not a staged photo. We can see that through his gun it is clear moving , also the soldiers is half falling it is hard to say that it is staged, and his hand is moving backward .I believe that the soldier in this photo was shot.After I read Whelan’s arguments it is more convincing that this photo is about a soldier who was shot.  I do think Whelan’s arugument are convincing because his analysis and mine can be connected.

Homework # 3

The photograph of Robert Capa “Death of the loyalist solider” is an example of a photograph that can’t be judged by first glance. In order to understand this photo you must analyze it’s setting,angles and the shadows the photo may carry. When I first glanced at the picture before doing the reading my first instinct was that the photo was staged. The reason I was quick to believe this was because the photo looks as if someone is just posing and waiting for the picture to be taken. You must understand the detail of the this photograph to know if it staged or real. After reading the arguments about the image I think this image isn’t staged. The body posture of the man in the image demonstrates someone who is being shot at. This posture will be hard to stage because of the position you are put in you fall or have great balance. The authenticity of the photo does matter because in order to create the photo the authentic must be demonstrated.The arguments of this photograph are supportive enough to explain why this photograph isn’t stage.

Robert Capa Homework Jessica Abate

I thought  Whelan’s argument overall was convincing about Robert Capa’s photo of the fallen soldier. I did not think his entire argument was convincing because some parts seemed like a stretch. He talked a lot about where Capa might have been when he took the photo and right before it, but that was all based on what other people said. There was no concrete visual evidence to prove what he was saying was true. His strongest point that was most convincing was talking about the positioning of the hand. That was visual evidence that scientifically makes sense and is not based on what someone else said or thinks.

I do not think this photo was staged. Based on what Whelan said about the placement of the hand and the look of the photo in general, I think Capa did take this photo as someone was dying. Also you can clearly see the mark in the man’s head. At that time, I do not think photographers had the ability to stage something that looks so realistic.

Regardless of what I think about the photo, I do think authenticity is important. Especially in this case it is important that photographers tell the truth about the photo. Capa’s entire career was based on this photo, if he lied his entire career was faked. He was most famous for taking the first photo of someone dying, so if that isn’t true he shouldn’t have deserved all the fame he got.

Poems From Luncheon

Faculty Table.

An egg is just waiting to come out of its shell,

Contemplating ways to shatter porcelain walls

3 minutes + counting = there goes the bell!


FYCC Faculty Table

Scramble eggs are on our weekend table

we sit around its oval shape and share its bounty

in all ways it is presented

ah the wonder of the egg.

Shaina, Jessica, Tikia, and Shara Tabke

Some may like me scrambled

some may like me fried

some may like me boiled

and some may like me dyed

ovens-easy or Sunnyside up

I prefer myself whole and untouched.

Teisis, Steven, Hernandez, and wu. Table.

I came out in many ways, big and small, brown and white,

and a little dirt on my sides. They take me away right away

and never seeing my mother ever again. On my way I figure

I will end up being just a broken egg. Without my shell I lose

my privacy and that would be my end. That is a sad story of an egg.                                          

Stephanie, Robert, Sharan, and Eunji Table.

Chick, chick let me out I want to walk and look around

Chick, chick let me be, I want to be free

Chick, chick let me hear a snap, I think my shell is about to crack

Chick, chick I hear OMG this flying pan feels so hot!

Aoxin, Wen, Carman, and Rosa Table.


The beginning to the end

hard on the outside,

delicate on the inside,

the shell is your clothes,

and the rest is your life.

Antonieta, Samael, Maha, and Wilson Table.


To be oval in a square world, a home for some

a son for some, and a meal for others. Can be a strong soul

or a satisfaction. A single crack can destroy mu soul,

a dairy product that gives us strength is the one to blame for

this insane world.