Category Archives: Reflection

Reflection #1: Vinegar Hill, Brooklyn, Downtown Brooklyn, and Dumbo

Class of 2/1

While reading through these Wikipedia articles on Brooklyn several things caught my attention. First, while reading the page on Vinegar Hill I had found it interesting how a small portion of the borough has been able to retract from modernization of its streets, sidewalk and small housing structures. These parts of the neighborhood date back to the early 1800’s and play a vital role in the the history and aura of this area in Brooklyn. It shows people they don’t need to watch television or browse the internet to get a glimpse of how life looked many years before they were born, They can walk outside and see things though the eyes of someone who lived more than a century ago and witness history in front of them. Second, while reading the page on Brooklyn I had found it interesting and notable information that Brooklyn was not considered a borough of New York until nearing the closing of the 19th century. I found that interesting because it shows how young our city really is. I guess this information strikes me as thought provoking because I am looking at it from a scientific standpoint. Lastly, while reading the page on Downtown Brooklyn I had never known this area held safe houses for slaves during the 19th century. I had also found it interesting to learn how the Brooklyn Academy of Music played a vital role in keeping Brooklyn’s economy strong in the face of deterioration.

Reflection #1: Brooklyn – Downtown, Vinegar Hill and DUMBO

While the urbanization and gentrification of Brooklyn, particularly DUMBO has been apparent in the past decade, I was pleased to find such an array of rich history in the borough of Brooklyn in these articles. I was intrigued by the historical background of Brooklyn, as the name originated from the “Breukelen” (Dutch) settlement. Other familiar names were present, such as Boswijck, (Bushwick) and Gravesende (Gravesend) both of which were dutch towns in the 17th century. The name Canarsie was also present in the Vinegar Hill article, as Canarsee Indians prior to the colonial era.

The Brooklyn page is the most informative, as it offers extensive information on the Colonial Era, Post colonial Era, Government and Politics, Demographics, Attractions etc. That page is the most comprehensive, whereas both Vinegar Hill and Dumbo were a little short in terms of demographics and use. I also wish that there were more historical maps included in these articles (I was surprised to find that the Downtown Brooklyn page excluded a map)

Homework #1 Reflection of Brooklyn

Before reading these articles I have never heard of Dumbo, Brooklyn or Vinegar Hill, Brooklyn. I work in Brooklyn and also attend college in Brooklyn but it never really bother or impressed me at all. It just so happen that is where my college is and that is where my job is. After reading about the history and development of the Brooklyn community, I am certainly honored and impressed to be there every day, to be a part of such a developed neighborhood. Now I am curious to learn more about my surroundings there and I would certainly pay close attention to the layout, the history and the structure of the buildings and landmarks around my school and my job. To be honest, I always thought of Brooklyn as one of the most undeveloped boroughs but at least now I have a better understanding and appreciation for that area. Some of the greatest things that happen in this country started in Brooklyn and I’m sure many people like myself are not aware of that.

First Word Reflection: Vinegar Hill, Brooklyn, Downtown Brooklyn, Dumbo

The history of Vinegar Hill was interesting, reading about the people that have been there, and how the land has been passed on was quite something. Although I did know a little about the history of Brooklyn, it was nice to learn so much more about the borough I dearly love.  I always saw Downtown Brooklyn as a version of Manhattan, and this reading confirmed it. Up until now, I actually wasn’t all that familiar with Dumbo even though I heard about it, I never paid it any attention. Overall, reading about the history of Brooklyn was an eye opener.

Homework #1: Reflection on the following Wikipedia articles: Vinegar Hill; Brooklyn; Downtown Brooklyn; and Dumbo.

As I was reading through the four Wikipedia articles, the article on Vinegar Hill, Brooklyn stood out to me the most. The first thing that I noticed was the writing. While the writing throughout the article is grammatically sound, I found that the other three articles, especially the one on Brooklyn, were at a higher standard. Before this assignment I had never heard of Vinegar Hill, Brooklyn. All the information that I read was completely new to me. That said, I was disappointed that the information only went to the 18th century. I am interested in seeing how the neighborhood is now. What is the current demographic? Has this area of Brooklyn been heavily affected by gentrification? Are there any cultural sites or landmarks? Are there parks? Is it a predominantly residential neighborhood? These are all questions that I would have liked to have been answered as I was reading the article.