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Faith S. – Journal 1

So it is the first day, or rather week, of school. I still couldn’t find an internship to go along with this class, but I’ll keep on trying. So far I have sent and resent emails to three video game developing companies, two animation studios and one at a book publishing company that will most likely have me do illustrations. I wouldn’t mind either as long as I am able to get started in a field similar to my dream career.

Our professor, gave us an article to read about how hard it is for people to find jobs or find some one for hire depending on which end they are looking from. The employers tend to look for people with all the skills they are looking for and potential employees feel they are not qualified as they don’t have all the skills the hirer is looking for. From the article and discussing it in the class, that shouldn’t stop either end from going forward. It is all about what a person can bring to the business and what the business may gain from it. It may not be what the business was looking for because they haven’t thought of it yet and may take a liking to the new ideas.

I am determined to be that person. The one that brings something new to the table. Something that will impact the company positively and greatly. Once I’m in an internship, I’m going to be as creative as I can with what I am given and listen to others to see if things need to be adapted as ideas change and evolve. But right now, I am crossing my fingers and hoping to get into an internship soon.


Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Journal #12

As the semester comes to an end, so does my internship time. I really enjoyed my internship; I was able to make interesting new individuals that really helped shaped my life for the better. The things I learned and events I experience can’t be recreated, this was a once in life time experience. I am really going to miss the New American staff and the other interns from different departments. Over the course of the last several days, my work load at my internship has been pretty relaxed. There just isn’t enough work to go around, and I really don’t have any issues with that. Over the course of this experience, I have had the chance to work on many wonderful designs. As I reviewed the work I have completed during the course of my stay, I am very proud of my progression as a designer.
I don’t just see my self as a design student but as a full ledge designer, my confidence in my design knowledge and styles has drastically increased. My perspective and design process has really been altered since designing in a real world environment, where clients are actually paying for my designs. As a designer, I learned that I have to remove my self from the equation and just focus on the needs of the client, whether I like it or not. I am very grateful for this chance and opportunity that was provided by my internship at New American Chambers of Commerce and I would relive this experience again in a heart beat.

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Brandon Vasquez NYC Restaurant internship Journals 1 – 14

Intership Journal 1

Intership Journal 2

Intership Journal 3

Intership Journal 4

Intership Journal 5

Intership journal 6

Intership journal 7

Intership journal 8

Intership journal 9

Intership journal 10

Intership journal 11

Intership journal 12

Intership journal 13

Intership journal 14

Final Self-Evaluation

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Yinshi Huang journal 14


Today, I handed in all my works to my supervisor. I putted all files in one PDF and made a short presentation. We were looked at them together and discussed about it. My supervisor looked at each page and made comments. He told me that all the interns he had before were weak with typography. He also told me that I have some issues as well, but better than other interns.  I remember I had a very tough typography professor when I was in freshmen year. I was struggling so hard for passing that class. Now I can tell why my professor was trying to be tough, like my supervisor says a lot of students have problem with typography. I felt glad that I had a great typography professor. My supervisor liked most of my works. He mentioned few problems with my design. He told me that for the spread ads I have to consider the center because this part will get bind or fold. He pointed out some pages that have texts in the center and told me that it was one of my mistakes. Also, he mentioned that I should make larger margins. He told me that the brochure has so many pages, so when we bind it and trim it some pages may cut out. So, larger margin will be safer.

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Journal #17 – Astrid Sarmiento

Astrid Sarmiento

Intern at A.R.T.S.Y Magazine

My final task for today is to work with Google Analytics, Presspad and MailChimp. I am responsible to note down and collect the data from our analytics. I have to compare the last four months of 2013 and the first four months of 2014, note down our unique visitors, page views, demographics (age and gender), location (country and cities) the top ten from how many there is (the total). Collect the top 5 posts, note down the top 5 devices (operating system). Compare the number of user and viewers who use Apple and/or Samsung devices in those months. Then I had to go into presspad and collect the data of our sales. I had to looked into the last 4 months of 2013 and compare it as well to the first four months of 2014. Then I had to sum up the revenue for each month (only sales). Then for MailChimp I had to do a reports comparison analysis as well with each of the newsletters that have been send so far. Next, I had to look into our each of social media platforms and report how many followers, likes, subscribers, etc we had for each as well. After I collected all of the data I organized it in tables then I had all of the sales in revenue of each month and year in an excel sheet and I exported it into a PDF. Then later on in the week I send out our newsletter of the week. Overall, it has been an interesting experience thus far working with the creative team of the magazine that I have been asked to continue working with them after I am done with school. I always told myself that once I graduated I would only focused with writing because that’s what I truly love but hey who said I can’t do both!


Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

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Journal#16 – Astrid Sarmiento

Astrid Sarmiento

Intern at A.R.T.S.Y Magazine

Today I finally finished with writing the author’s names as a tag for each post as well as creating the hyperlinks.  Later on in the week I was asked to put up a post by one of our writer’s since the person who is in charge of doing so was out of town for the day. I was also responsible for looking for images as well as designing the hero image for that particular post. The creative director send me a Photoshop template file so I could create the hero image and then from there I began to search for the best quality images that would fit along with the post. The next day the post went live and then I was contacted by my editor so that I could give in a small blurb to go along with my piece of MattyBoh which will be part of our 7th issue magazine which is the music issue.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

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Journal #11

I have been designing less as my internship journey approaches its end, the workload has significantly decreased not that it was a lot prior. If I am not working on a design for my internship, I am most likely completing assignments for my class. As the spring semester is making its way to the home stretch, I have begun to finalize all design projects. I have to prepare/complete my portfolio, and finish my Senior Project design. I have a lot of work ahead of me, and only a hand full of days to complete them. I am confident in my design and time management skills that I can finish these project with time to spare. As the semester comes closer to ending, so does my internship journey. I have learned and experienced so much over the course of my internship at the New American Chambers of Commerce. I am walking away with valuable real world experience, experiences in which I can apply throughout my career and even my life. I’ve had a positive experience with my internship, new experiences, friends and opportunities. I am entering the job market with knowledge and experiences that can’t be taught in a classroom. Doing an internship is possibly one of the best decisions I have made so far in my life among others, even if it was required. I have personally enjoyed the journey as the experience comes to a close, I don’t have one single regret. I look forward to my future adventures after my college years.

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Christian Santiago Journal Entries 1- 14


I am Christian Santiago a Graphic Design student at New York City College of Technology. I have been studying design for a few years now. My passion for design started when I began to draw in elementary school. I do love to illustrate and tell stories but I believe design is rooted deep inside me. I have taken the majority of my required courses for my degree. I now am enrolled in a course called Internship, this class will help me to obtain some real life experience in my field of studies. When the class began I was apprehensive about discussing my current Internship when I was in class. I felt like the professor would find the internship I have wouldn’t qualify for the class. I stared to consider taking a second internship just in case my current one would not qualify.

As the professor was handing out the list of possible internship I had to ask if anyone had attempted to work two internship simultaneously. He seemed it was possible and I was a bit relieved, until he asked in I was taking “Senior Project.” It was part of my curriculum this year since this was my last semester. I confirm I was attending the course and he advised me not to take up a second internship since “Senior Project” is a time consuming course. I then waited after the class was over to tell the him about my current internship. I hoped my internship qualified for the class because if it didn’t I would have to quit Firefly Design and Communication.

Firefly is a beautiful studio owned by Sheila Cobb. At Firefly we create brochures, logos, branding design, packaging, websites and other designs that I can’t quite remember. I had an amazing experience there so far, I would not want it to end now. I describe the studio’s work to the professor and I was relieved to get the seal of approval from him, but soon I started to worry again because the hours required for the class is 120 hours. I am  currently doing only five hours per week and to complete the 120 hours I would need to be there eight hours per week. I figured I would have to quickly compose an e-mail to my supervisor about the required hours for my course. As soon I was done discussing with my professor I took the time between classes to write the e-mail that could help me complete the requirement for the course.


I finally was able to discuss with my supervisor about obtaining extra hours so I would be able to complete the required hours for my internship course. This really relieved the stress I had worrying about the course. The next day at the studio I was excited because I was going to be working on a brochure for a client we have worked with in the past. I enjoy working with this client because they need a brochure annually for their summer camp. I enjoy creating new fun designs for their brochure, because they have a simple design and with brochure I have almost all creative freedom.

The design I created involved a Polaroid in nature concept. In the first stage of creating the concept I used last years photos and photo manipulated the images to make it look like Polaroid photos. I also silhouetted someone maple leaves to create some layering with the photos and leaves on the ground for the cover and the inside spread. I didn’t have to typeset the inside body copy because I was about to recycle a design I created for them last year. I typeset the body copy pretty well last year so I didn’t see the need to change it. I also assume it would change only a little bit depending on if the body copy of this year would change. The client didn’t asked for any special productions design just a simple 8.5 x 11 page size in a horizontal orientation. Since the brochure is for a summer camp I thought I could use a more fun typeface for the headline. The headline wasn’t that crazy since I still kept in mind the client mention they are tradition but fun. To find the balance in the headline I combined a display font with a traditional sans serif. The client like my design I created for them last year I am hoping for the same reaction.


I was informed by my supervisor the client liked my design for the brochure for the summer camp. I was very pleased to hear that news. She also informed me they have sent approved images and corrected body copy for the inside pages for the brochure. Once I got the approved images I had to photo manipulate the images once again to create the Polaroid images. It wasn’t that bad to edit the photos, it was just a bit tedious. I didn’t really care because once again this client liked my work, and this made me feel elated about having my design selected. The changes to the body copy was very minimum. I just had to changes a few phone numbers, names, and dates. The changed to the body copy didn’t change the overall typesetting of the inside pages of the brochure. Designing the brochure gave me a sense of nostalgia, the images of kids outside playing and camping made me wish I was there. I felt like I did a good job because if I wished I was there then I imagine a kid would want to be there.

After I did the final changes to the brochure my supervisor asked me to collected all the packaging design I did and mock it up. I was curious why she wanted me to do this but I just began to find the files and to start measuring out how some of the packages are. I was a bit frustrated do this because one design was a bit tricky. The measurement for the design I created where a bit off. The label wasn’t lineing up to the previous label on the package. I was able to perfect the label but my supervisor wasn’t sure are the color scheme I create for the label, so she had me create a few versions with other color scheme. After I changed the color scheme for the labels she was still not sure about the colors. This is going to be a continuing battle for me.


This week at my internship I had to help create a logo for a non-for-profit organization’s annual walk event. This was interesting because I had a chance to create a invitation for a previous event they had. This logo needed to be designed in a way that combines the organization’s logo with walking. My supervisor previously had some ideas about the logo but I asked me to play around with it to create my own version of it. I had created a few similar logos close to my supervisor’s logo since the client was very specific about it. The logo needed to have similar color scheme as the organization’s logo which were in a gold range.

In the same week to be able to make up time for my internship course my supervisor asked if I wanted to come in on a Friday, I couldn’t say no to the chance since I needed those hours. I decided to come in on Friday and my first assignment was to collect the all the logos that the studio had design and create a logo exploration page for each one. It was a bit difficult for me at the beginning because I was trying to layout each logo that was designed on the same page. After a while of coordinating each logo to fit on the page I realized that the idea wasn’t working, so I scrapped the idea and started to layout the logos on individual pages with design and color exploration. This assignment is a bit time consuming so I had to eventually stop because other assignments demamnded my attention.


I assumed I was going to continue the logo exploration layout, but my supervisor needed me to clean up the logo for the non-for-profit organization’s logo. I was a bit sad they didn’t choose any of the ones I created but my logic is “you win some, you lose some” I was asked to make the logo more circular since that was the design the client liked. All I needed to do was to make sure the little feet for “Kids Walk” logo  was in a circular form that looked like it was walking around the organization’s logo. After I did the minor adjustments my supervisor asked to save the logo in different formats that would work on web and print. I then was asked to then pick up the printed brochures I created for a client that I had the pleasure of working with before. It was nice to see what I had created to be create and shared even though it was a brochure for a simple summer camp.

Later on the day I had to work on some typesetting for an Annual Report. I wasn’t working on raw text though. I was basically lightly proof reading and moving around some heading and subheadings. I also helped out with photo manipulation for some of the art that went into the Annual Report. The photo manipulation wasn’t much because all I was doing was sharpening or highlight the photograph. I was then asked to take the design and send it out to the client for approval. This was an interesting day for me.


This week I was asked to once again create a an invitation for the non-for-profit client we designed a logo for. This invitation was for the “Kids Walk” event they are having soon. My supervisor asked that I should create simple design with a interesting layout. For my first design I used a horizontal orientation and I tried to stick with the color scheme of the logo but not as saturated so I wouldn’t take away from the actual logo. For my second version of the design was to create a vertical version of my first design but with rounded corner die-cut. I was then advised by my supervisor to create a layout with a spring look. What I  create was a simple grass and a cityscape header and a simple green ban as a footer. I then place the important text in the center of the layout over a plain white background. For the last option I used my previous design with the grass and cityscape but instead of having a white background I decided to have the background in the same color as the grass so it look like the grass’ bottom continue throughout the page.

My supervisor later asked me to pick up a invitation envelop for another client’s fashion event. The envelops were beautiful done. They had a sort matte rubber finish on the exterior and the envelops were a custom shape for our client. After I did the pick up my supervisor asked me the help her with cutting one hundred and ten pieces of ribbon which is part of the final invitation design After cutting that many ribbons I felt like I needed a break for the day.


I got to the studio today and my supervisor had a task for me. She wanted me to create a logo for a place that farms mushrooms called Glenwild Farms. I was excited because I love to create logos but I was a bit unsure because my supervisor instructed me to create it in a “classic style.” I am not sure how to create a logo in a “classic style” I tried to research the style but I still felt confused. I searched for any Victorian style with a hand etched logo image, that was my idea for classic. I focused on that idea and pared it with a classic font like Garamond. This logo was very tricky I tried a few variations but I felt a little discouraged except for one which I hoped my supervisor would approve it. I showed her my variations and she seemed unimpressed. She told me to take a break from itand work on another logo project called Gimmie Gimmie. I felt a bit crushed that my designs for Glenwild Farms wasn’t very impressive.

For the logo project of Gimmie Gimmie I was told it need a child like feel to it and client wanted the idea of child hand prints replacing the dots of the “i” I believe it was acute idea and wanted to work on it right away. But once again I felt limited to this concept, but also I do work great under pressure. I tried to find variations of hand written fonts for the logo to have a kid like feel and I created vector shapes of child hand prints like the client requested it for the logo. But I to pause on the logo design to assist my supervisor photoshoppng some images for a client that needed their job done ASAP. All I thought about was my design for the Gimmie Gimmie project, I hope that the designs work out.


This week I read an article about how the reviews of customers are effecting company’s sales. I found it fascinating because the way how companies maintain their sale was because of loyal customers that would only buy their products and were faithful to the brand, but everything changed when people could write reviews online about the product or brand. The example that was on the article was Lululemon Athletics, people were very much were loyal to the brand until one consumer review mentioned how their yoga pants were too shear and that review caused some controvercy. The co-founder of the company made a stament that sparked an up roar with the consumers and more negative reviews came in causing a drop in their sales. This article show me how consumer reviews are important, they are what can improve or sustain your product.

Today at Firefly as an excercise I had to redo some packaging design I had worked on before and collected all the other packging desgin that had been done at the studio and prepare them to be photographed. The packaging I had to edit was a packging for Mi Pepito spicies. The original brand was overly design and looked cheap with bright colors. The design I created was simlar but what I did to make it more interesting was to add a die-cut and to simplify the typography. My concept was to make it clean and modern, my only issues was my color scheme. The color scheme I chosen was too bland for the spicies, and my supervisor advised me to try warm simple color with a pop of color that would reflect the spice. This approch would create a better unity and would be better for a series. Once I was done trying a few colors I took the photos. 


This week at Firefly I was asked to create some covers design for a brochure for Comunilife’s Medical Respite Program. The Medical  Respite Program is a short-term residential program for patients who no longer require hospitalization but do not have suitable housing in which to convalesce. While in the Respite Program, patients are still able to access medical care and other supportive services. I have worked before on a cover design and page layout for a different program they have. For this cover design they wanted something similar as the previous brochure cover. What I did was to go back to the original design and make some modifications, I tried a few variation like something very minimalist to something with accent colors. I tried to create a cover with “helping hands” but I a stippling effect and I tried to create a home also in a stippling. The effect was to reflect the way the logo was design. My supervisor like my designs but advised me to go back to the original design but to focus on the typography.

After doing those few options for the cover she asked me to work on the layout with the pages. This time there was a little less information for this program compared to the last one, so instead of focusing on white space my supervisor told me to add an image that can reflect help, hope or life. Once again I tried to add an image of helping hands but she felt that the image was a bit morbid she advised me to add a white flower but to avoid calla lilies since they kind of remind people of funerals. We search for flower images together and we found a few white flower. But I had to ask to add a flower that kind a had a blueish hue to it, which was similar color in the layout. We create a few version for them to chose so now it was up to the client to choose.


This week at Firefly my supervisor I asked me to create some logos for a Project called The Bike shack. The Bike Shack is a bike rental company in Provincetown Massachusetts. My supervisor told me to design the logo in a sort of grungy but classic feel and to keep in mind of the color scheme to include a “Harley Davidson orange” and warm gray. She also mention that it would be a great design if it fit in a circle. So I went about designing, I first started by laying out the type in a circle having the name “The Bike Shack” curve above while having Provincetown curve below and I illustrated a simple bike to separate the two words. I felt the space between the words was empty so I illustrated a bike wheel to fill the space. Another design approach I did was to create a horizontal version for the logo, I used the same grungy type but I use a rule and the illustrated bike in a small scale to sparate “The Bike Shack” and “Provincetown Massachusetts”

Later on my supervisor ask me to create some T-shirt design for The Bike Shack. A T-shirt design that reflect the location of Provincetown Massachusetts also known as P-town. This town is known for its beaches, harbor, artists, tourist industry, and its status as a vacation destination of gay men and lesbians. I was told I could very creative with these T-shirt designs. I chose to use vibrate colors and for images I used a greek statue and brought in the icon tower n P-town and the map of the town. I enjoy creating these shirt because I created a female version of the shirt and the idea that my design could  could be used one day makes me smile.


This week my supervisor told me that the client for The Bike Shack need a sign design to advertise  what they offer. I thought this assignment was going to be simple, I didn’t imagine it would be difficult. My supervisor told me the client wanted a 4 feet square sign in the “Harley Davidson orange” with “The Bike Shack” logo in only the grungy typeface with the copy she provided plus a illustration of a bike. I was kind of limited to designs. But I try to make the best of it. I did three different designs I made the first two designs simple and stay within what the client requested and for the third design I took a little creative liberty and did a typographic design with the content. Once I was done with that I start to edit my female T-shirt design for The Bike Shack because my first design felt a little flat compared to the male T-shirt design. The original design I used cooler colors and the female statue wasn’t as appealing. The new design I colors that reflect the hues of a sunset and I use Sandro Botticelli “The Birth of Venus” as a female focus and I add tired tracks to compliment the logo.

As I was about to finish the T-shirt design my supervisor Informed me the client had some changes for the sign. I expected some changes which usually happens but the clients choices of changes were very questionable. She wanted a gradient that involve the colors “coral pink, orange, and purple with a rainbow color bike and bigger type that engulfs the space. But I still did the changes for the client but after seeing the changes my supervisor suggested we do our own version of it to show how questionable their choices were. My supervisor’s intention was to guide the client to a more fashionable option.


This week at Firefly my supervisor  told me the client for The Bike Shack needed a brochure design to advertise their rates and the bikes they offer. I was advise to use some stock images of people riding bikes or bikes in general as long as I didn’t use images of single riders and to bring back the “Harley Davidson orange” and to use a sans-serif font with the grungy logo. I started with an image that was focus on a group of bike that was blurred in focus. I use grunge logo to the width of the brochure and overlaid ban of color with the contact and advertised information over the band with a knockout white type. On the other side of the brochure was the most difficult part. I had a lot of information and limited space, in that information I also need to add a rubric. Designing the back was very difficult I need to find the balance of space and font size.  If I made it smaller to fit the space it would end up illegible and if I made it a average legible size it wouldn’t fit the space. But I was able to fit the content perfectly by using half point size type.

Later on my supervisor asked me to work on logo design for a possible client called Mother’s Messenger. They are a messaging service and I was told they are a sort of edgy style. So I used a biker style as inspiration to create the logo. I illustrated a icon with  wing to represent how fast they are with a heart shape negative space to reflect the handling of the packages. With the type I use a script font with a western style font, I chose these contrasting font to reflect the style they are and the care they give to the packages.


This week I continue with Mother’s Messengers and was ask to create a flyer for them as an design exercise. I was advise to create a flyer that expresses how fast their service is. I used a stock photo of bikers riding around a city with a motion blur to show how fast they are to continue the concept of speed I created a  dark ban with the copy I was given which was “We care. We protect. We deliver” with the type in a vibrate yellow to express their speed. Part of the concept of speed I create the ban with the text in a perspective view to give the feeling of zipping by.

My supervisor later gave me a task to layout a brochure for Legg Mason. The brochure from last year had a lot of content but what made this a bit difficult was that I had short biographies as content to work with. I was able to layout at least two biographies per page which that shorten the brochure from twelve pages to ten pages. I thought I did pretty good, but after my supervisor reviewed it she informed me that the design had to be multiple of four pages so the brochure had to be twelve or eight. This frustrated me a bit, but that’s the life of a designer getting a problem and then solving it. With my next layout design I tired to fit the content and images, I really had to shift around everything in order to layout everything properly to fit on eight pages.


This week I was informed by my supervisor that the content for the brochure I was working on last week isn’t the final content for the brochure and that the client will later on supply us with the finalized content. So the layout I created last week is consider more like another design exercise and this week my supervisor advises me to use the brochure from last year as a template and modify the layout from there. I layout speakers in the corresponding areas and I will later on modify it once I get the actual content. For most of the day I was editing any small details of the brochure, so I still have to finish it up.

After that I took a break from the brochure and my supervisor gave a design exercise and I had to choose a book cover to redesign. The book cover I chosen to redesign was F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Beautiful and Damned” I wanted to modernized the cover because the original very illustrative. My approach was to use a pattern that reflects time period with a silhouette of a woman which is supposed represent Anthony Patch’s wife, Gloria. The gold color scheme is suppose to represent the character’s fortune and his alcoholism. I wanted the image to dominate the cover while I contain the content of the cover in a frame at the lower part of the cover. I chose to minimize the content because F. Scott Fitzgerald is so well known it would be the best time to be creative with the imagery for the cover.

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Journal Entries 1-8

Journal 1

As an upcoming graphic artist, opportunities present themselves in unexpected ways.  I have been in the CUNY Service Corps internship since September 2013.  I doubted in getting into this program because I signed up at the last moment.  I got in after a few group interviews, meetings, trainings and events.  There was a large placement fair at John Jay College in Manhattan where companies like Brooklyn Navy Yard, Hall of Science, and Museum of Natural History came to find interns they would like to hire.  CUNY Service Corps pays the interns, not the placement.  My placement site is at New York City Early Childhood Professional Development Institute’s (PDI) Informal Family Child Care (IFCC) as a graphic artist.  I make layouts for newsletters, flyers, different types of forms, and photo editing.

Journal 2

Here at the office, we are doing so many different little projects that will lead up to the main project, which is the newsletter.  I took care of some photos in Photoshop so that way there are more photos for the newsletter.  I made changes like removing people from photos and I fixed the other photographic elements like exposure.  This took some time to do because of the fact that it should look real and it should be perfect to print with no types of noise.  Noise in photography is a term used for distortion of the photo in which it looks like grain is on it.

I also had to make sure the design I made for the previous newsletter is ready for it’s new content as well as being a bit updated.  I did not change much of it except for how the photos and their captions will be placed.  It was not hard to set some placement texts and photo boxes for the spring newsletter template.  My hours went by so fast fixing the pictures and revisiting some old pieces.  Those pieces were edited and needed revisions through InDesign.  I am the only one with the files, so I had to fix it.  I was told to send the main file to ACS so they can make more direct corrections if needed.


Journal 3

This week was extremely busy!  I had so much to do and such little time.  Making up hours from last weeks snow day and my sick absence sent me back five steps.  Yes I could have used my sick day because I was sick but I did not want to because I am determined to make those hours.  It was really hard with classes and homework.  Work was piling up and I needed some time to get it done.  My family is always so difficult to work with when in need of some time to do something.  I have a large family and my siblings have their families as well.

Having children always being loud and excited takes you so far away from the quiet time you are looking for to do work.  Not being able to go outside, other than school, does not have its perks.  I have tried to set time aside when I’m at school and I do, but this week was jammed packed with work and classes.  I felt as if my head was going to explode, but I kept my cool and meditated.  I do not want my employer to think I cannot handle this.  I can and I will be able to do anything I put my mind to.  That is how I was able to get through this week without going crazy.


Journal 4

After a tough week, this week seems so calm.  I’m glad everything went back to normal.  Our mental deadline is coming up for the newsletter.  I say mental deadline because we do not have an exact deadline but we do have to get things done by a certain period.  An example would be like mid February, all texts for the articles have to be written out and placed into the template. So far everything is going as planned.

I have no negative thoughts or doubts that this newsletter will be past the deadline.  I have been giving it 110 percent and keeping everyone on track.  I have not been rude or anything.  I just give them a friendly reminder like, “I was wondering about the article you are writing.  Is it finished so I can place it into the newsletter?” or “I am almost done with the newsletter.  I am just missing an article from you.”  I hope that does not sound like I am harassing them. I would not want them to think that.  They never reply negatively and they always reply with a smile.


Journal 5

Today was really interesting.  The newsletter is close to finishing.  I can tell my supervisor, Angelica, is stressing to get this done this week to get it out by next week.  March is finishing and the newsletter has to be in our child care provider’s hands by April 1st.  It was hard to talk to her today with all my questions.  I know I have a lot of questions because I want to get it perfect and I want her to be happy with my progress.  The questions were not about the design, but for the content.  I need some translations and pictures for our provider piece.

Angelica was having a bad day as well.  She kept getting texts that made her so mad.  She apologized after she realized she snapped at me.  She knew I was just trying to help her get the newsletter ready to go.  So I finished the newsletter by the end of the day so now we have to wait to sign off on the proofs and we are all set!  I am really happy that this will be my second time that my newsletter design is going out.  I also changed up the spring training calendar.  It used to be an orange color which did not match the new newsletter colors and layout.  It looks more unified.  I will give you my newsletter the next time I see you.  I came one Wednesday morning and class was not being held.  I felt silly but I went to my internship and did some hours.  I am glad that the college and my internship are nearby.  It would have been a drag if it was somewhere else.  Well today was a good day.  Everything went according to schedule.


Journal 6

My second newsletter was printed and released to our audience! I was so excited to know I was finally done with it except for one thing. There was a typo.  I contacted the printer and they already had the plates ready so it was going to cost  $476 to make new plates.  As a non-profit organization, we need to save our money and since it was such a small error, we decided to leave it the way it was.  I knew that if I was working the day that the proofs came in, I would have mentioned it before it was signed off.

I did not get scolded or anything.  It was a good day though, knowing that my newsletter was being printed again.  As a designer, knowing that your work was published has a good feeling to it.  This internship being my first job to an opening to my future career is an incredible thing.  I feel great that I am a part of this company and that I can help people in need.  This internship is not just an internship but it is also community service because I am part of CUNY Service Corps.

I feel like there is so much that I have learned from this company and I am happy about that.  I read the newsletters to get some ideas while taking care of my nephew and nieces.  I want to be able to have children one day and teach them the way my mother taught me as well as what I learned throughout my life.  I hope my children will look up to me as I do my mother and sisters.


Journal 7

Without having to do the newsletter, I have nothing to do at the moment.  It feels weird so I just decided to pick up an idea I had when I first came into this internship, work on the website.   I want to create a new website for them.  Theirs is really outdated but I do not want to be mean or anything.  I did talk to their web developer, Hamish Strong, and had me talk about what my opinions are about the site.  It was productive for him but some of my main points could not be changed.  He gave me a duty to make a landing for IFCC so that is what I am working on.

I have not handed my journals since week two and I do not know if there is any pressure to get it in.  I have all my journals but I did not know when to hand it in.  Last week you told us where we need to hand in all seven journals in so I am going to do that as well as hand in the first journal with the corrections.  My journals can be how I think, right?  So it can be informal and narrative or should it be formal.  If so, I have redo all my journals.

I finally got something to do.  I have to make a brochure or a one page flyer informing our providers of our different types of training and who we are.  Not knowing what to do is hard.  Having something makes me feel important in this company.  I will be handing this journal with the rest on Thursday since it is my free day and I can get it to you in time.


Journal 8


This week has been very mild.  I just continued working on my brochure which then turned into a flier because my manager does not like brochures.  It is very quiet and I am bored.  I am doing my work though.  Just feel tired.  I had coffee and my lunch and listening to Pandora Radio and I am still bored.  Maybe it is just the day.  It is cold and dark out.  Maybe it will be better on Thursday.

Well it did get better.  I am working on a picture on Photoshop.  I love working with this program.   I feel really good that I can make people think that there was no one there in the first place.  I used the picture to make one of our informal child care providers stick out.  Out of all of them, she was happy to be there.  She was learning other ways to take care of her kids and she was enjoying it.  I wanted to portray that so I zoomed in and I cropped the photo on her.  Then I removed the face that was cut off when I cropped the photo and an arm.  It was fun doing that.

Posted in Uncategorized.

Journal Entries 2-14

Journal Entry # 2


This week I went an searched for internship sites to apply to. I searched all week and found a couple of internships on this website called Findspark is a website where companies or studios post jobs or internships. I applied for a company called Boxee which is a TV product and I also I applied for a company called Learned Evolution shihc is a design studio.


Journal Entry # 3


Both Internship that I applied for on Findspark got back to me this week, Both companies wanted to come in and discuss the intern position. Since i was more intered in Learned Evolution I went to them first. Learned Evolution is located in Greenpoint Brooklyn. I have never been to Greenpoint Brooklyn before so this was a new experience. Getting there was a bit of a pain because I live in around Coney Island. the commute was about over an hour and 20 mins. Once I got there I found the building and it looked like an abandon building. The studio is on the 4th floor of the building. When I went into the studio there were only 3 people in there, I met with a man name Rob. He is the supervisor there, he told me to sit and their table and told me to just hang out a little bit so he can get ready. In the mean time he gave me a book to look at about there main client which is Brooklyn Bowl. After i looked it over Rob came over with Jashua who is part of the design team. They told me what their company is about and  they asked me a few questions about my experience with my past internship site. They told me that alot of people applied and my online portfolio stood out the most.  They then explained to me what I will be doing if I accept the Internship and what they told me already get me pretty excited. At the end of the interview thhey asked me when I can start coming in and how is my schedule is like. I told them I can start next week. They said okay and they look forward to having me as an Intern.


Journal Entry #4


This week I started my Internship at Learned Evolution. Learned Evolution is a advertising and branding company. Their main client is Brooklyn bowl with is a music venue, bowling alley and restaurant in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. I am the Art and Design Intern, my responsibility as the Intern is the design and create materials for digital and print, design posters and custom art for Brooklyn Bowl, design online ads and assist design team with branding initiatives.

On the first day I met Justin Bolognino who is the Founder of Learned Evolution. The design is a small team of 4 and they told me about the work they do. They showed me a style guide of Brooklyn Bowl and how they want their work to look like. My first design work was to work on an online ad for Brooklyn Bowl. It was a black and white Ad for a band that is going to play in Brooklyn Bowl.  The band I was doing the ad for is The Orb.

On Friday, my second day interning there I worked on an Ad for Instagram where I make a design showing the performers at the Brooklyn Bowl for this weekend. On Fridays Learned Evolution provides lunch and everyone eats together. This was a cool experience because they talk about current and future projects. I learned a lot during this week, I learned new Photoshop techniques, and design skills. I am looking forward is going back next week.


Journal Entry #5


This week Tuesday at Learned Evolution I did a few more Black and White ads for Brooklyn Bowl. These Black and white Ads goes on the Brooklyn Bowl website. This is very exciting for me because the work I did is put up on a site where hundreds a people will see it. I was taught how to do some more Photoshop techniques and I practiced for a few hours.  After that I went and helped pick up some print ads from the local print shop. When I got back I took my lunch break and I ate McDonalds. After that I continued to work on the black and white ads. I applied the new techniques I learned to make the ad better and I was getting more and more efficient in using those techniques.

On Friday I got to work on an interesting design work called Pictograms where once a week Learned Evolution creates a guess this Artist or Guess this Band design. Then it is posted on Facebook and Instagram, the first person that guess it right gets free admission to Brooklyn Bowl. I was given a few band and artist names and I have to create a creative and hard to guess design. This put my creativity to the test, the first pictogram I did was for the band The Heavy Pets. For that design I used a guy lifting weights and picture of the symbol of Polyethylene terephthalate with abbreviates PET.

Journal Entry # 6


On Tuesday at Learned Evolution I worked on more black and white online advertisements for Brooklyn Bowl. I did advertisements for 4 bands and this time had to do a vertical ad too. I learned a few new techniques for Illustrator. During Lunch, I went and go a Philly cheese steak from a local Deli. After Lunch I was assigned to convert company logos to vector art for a Keynote presentation project. The logos I was converting were all EDM Music Logos.

On Friday I was assigned to go pick up some USPS shipping boxes from the local Post office so I got up extra early and went to get them. Pick the boxes up was faster than I anticipated so I got to the studio half an hour early. Since I got there too early I worked on my senior project till the project manager came in. I was assigned a new project for Brooklyn Bowl. Every Sunday Brooklyn Bowl has an event called School Night. School Night is when they invite multiple artists and DJS to perform. What they want was a Web and Print Ad, so I worked with the Design Team come up with Ideas.  I was really excited to be part of the project. The studio bought lunch and we had pizza. While eating the team were walking about what everyone was doing the coming weekend. After lunch I continued working on the project but one day was not enough to finish it. I was told to continue it next time I come in.


Journal Entry # 7


This week on Tuesday I continued working on the School Night ads for Brooklyn Bowl. When I was done I submitted my work in to Basecamp for review. While waiting I worked on my senior project. While working on my senior project I applied the new things I learn to my work. Then I got my review and the design team manager told me to make some changes because I made some typo mistakes. After fixing them I submitted them again for final review.

On Friday I was assigned some more Black & White Web Ads. When I went on to Brooklyn Bowl Web page, I saw the ads I made and it made me happy seeing my work there. When I was done with the Black & White Ads, I went and thought of more ideas for Pictogram. Thinking of riddles is pretty hard because I have to make it hard and not obvious. I struggled to come up with ideas. I eventually came up with a few ideas and executed them and pitched them to the design team and they said the ideas might work. I started Photoshop some images together and then submitted them on Basecamp to see if anyone can figure it out. Some 1 of the bands was easily solved but the other 2 they had problems figuring out, which was a good thing. The team picked one of the riddles to be uploaded on Instagram next week.

Journal Entry # 8


This week I worked on designing a layout for another client. The client was a restaurant and they have an upcoming event they want to advertise. They just want something that informs people about their event. I did a few mock ups and showed it to the project manager. He picked one and them he told me to upload the image to the client’s WordPress website. The Project manager gave me step-by-step instructions on how to upload it. It was pretty easy; it didn’t take long to upload the file. After that, I took my lunch break; I brought leftover dinner from the night before. During lunch I was talking to another designers about their past careers, they gave me some great advices. I made a few more black & white Ads for Brooklyn Bowl after that. The designers told me Brooklyn Bowl had a change in style and they adjusted the style guides. The original style guide was to fill in the negative space, now they don’t want the negative space filled.


Journal Entry # 9


This week only the design was at the studio, everyone else went on a business trip for another client. The project manager said the business trip was in Las Vegas. I felt jealous hearing that because going on business trips seems fun. I work on more Brooklyn Bowl ads, it is the end of the month so I made next month’s promo flyer. Adjusting to their new style guide is hard because the text looks weird with all the negative space. The other designers said the same thing but this is what the client wants. For lunch this week we had sub sandwiches from No.7 Sub.

 Journal Entry #10
This week I did some Brooklyn Bowl Black & White Ads and then I was assigned to put some ikea tables together. I thought it would be easy to put a table together, but each table took me 20+ to put together. It was really hard to screw in the nails even with a drill. During lunch time the everyone was talking about the business trip and what went on. After lunch i continued on putting the tables together. After putting all the tables together I felt sore, which means I need more exercise! I continued on some more black & whites and I am still not use to the new style guide, but I got the work done on time.
Journal Entry #11
This week I brought in my portfolio to let the design team take a look and critique it. I got some good and bad feedback They pointed out problems that I didn’t notice. I did some few ads for Brooklyn Bowl and then made some edits to my portfolio and showed them to the team. I used all the advice they gave me and my work come out a lot better than I originally had it.They gave me some ideas for mocking up my portfolio. I really appreciated that they took their time and helped me with my portfolio.
Journal Entry #12
This week I only went in for one day because i have to meet with my senoir project advisor. This week I completed my 120 hour requirement for this course. I thought to myself wow time flies and I am glad i am done with it. I was assigned to make a table tent ad card for another client. The client is Brooklyn  Brewery, They are a bar and restaurant. They want to promote their alcoholic breverage called Sorachi Ace. After that I worked on some more black and white ads for Brooklyn Bowl.
Journal Entry # 13
It is the last month and Spring semester is almost over and I have been very busy with portfolio class and senoir project. Taking all 3 of these course at the same time was tough. The design team had helped me alot this semester by give me feedback and advice. This week I made more ads for Brooklyn Bowl. This time it wasn’t black and white ads. I had to make one with color background.
Journal Entry # 14
This week the marketing team went out on a business trip again and it was only me and the design team at teh studio. I made a few pictograms, I tried to make them hard to guess and be creative at the same time. At the end of the day Rob the project manager asked what I am planning to do for the summer and he told me they would like to hire me part-time because I have been a great intern. I got really excited and told him that I would love to work here for the summer.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.