Class Info
- Date: 10/27/20
- Meeting Info: Zoom Meeting info below
To-Do Before Class
- Midterm Project
- Beverage Label Final Inked Illustration & Midterm Process Presentation
- Sketchbook Exercise Week 7 NONE
- Reading Week 7 NONE
- Discussion Week 7 NONE
- Midterm Project Process Presentations and Final Art
- Class Student Presentations (no lecture)
Discuss the Pace of Class Assignments– Moving forward, not that students understand the steps in the illustration process, TURN AROUND TIMES for assignments will be faster, with multiples parts due at once.
Review Assignments and Expectations for Next Week’s Class
Due Next Week

New York Times , image by Hokyoung Kim
- NEW! Assignment 2, Editorial Illustration Part 1 – Brainstorm & Research (NO THUMBNAILS) Identify 2 different articles on ONE topic that is current and meaningful to you from a news sources you deem trustworthy.
- Post links to your articles.
- Write a summary of the issue.
- Create Word Web for the article.
- Begin a pintrest board of images related to the topic.
- Sketchbook Exercise Week 8 : Drawing the news. Read an article or watch a news story. Draw an image from the news 1 x per day for 5 days.
- Reading Week 8 : 8-inspiring-uses-of-editorial-illustration
- Discussion Week 8 : SEE ASSIGNMENT 2!
Sara Woolley is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Illustration 1
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
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