For this week I decided to focus on complimentary colors due to the fact that we often see a lot of these in nature, clothing, logos, and illustrations, especially in comic books and other form of print media . With the designs in which i did i also wrote down what they were reminiscent of and what the color scheme looked like and what it can be used for. I love the concept of complementary colors , especially if they are done right and they can bring a design out when it needs to be brought out. For the little tree i did as well as the blue and orange flag i also incorporated some value like hatching and scribbling
Review Assignments and Expectations for Next Week’s Class
Due Next Week
Midterm Project – Beverage Label Final Inked Illustration & 3 COLOR COMPS (Due Week 8)
COLOR COMPS due next week
Sketchbook Exercise: Choose a visual element(s) from your design. Fill your sketchbook with studies of that visual element from reference. Share both the reference and your studies.
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DO: After Completing Reading for Week 6 on COLOR , choose an illustration which makes strong use of a limited palate. Share it along with a few sentences about why you chose it, who the artist is, and how the artist uses Color Theory.
Deconstruct the illustration: Who created it and what process and media do you think they used?
Share links to more of their work.
What does Color Techniques does the illustrator use?
Why do you consider them effective?
Be sure to read eachother’s observations BEFORE posting your own. Remember… ITS A DISCUSSION.
About This Course
This course is a practical introduction to the field of illustration. Focus will be placed on
process work and professional practices, presented within contemporary and historical
context. Course includes projects and lectures in a variety of illustration genres.
Professor Woolley
Office Hours: Tuesday 12 – 2pm email for appointment
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