Professor Woolley | COMD3313 OL74| FA20

Tag: WEEK 5 (Page 1 of 2)

Sketchbook Week 5, Playing with Value

This week in your sketchbook, we will practice creating value using pencil and ink.


In this exercise try creating multiple steps in value, using a variety of mark making techniques in ink.  Notice in this set of swatches all of the different methods used to create value.

FIRST: Try creating value scales which move evenly from light to dark.  Begin with by using the swatches below as examples, but feel free to come up with your method of shading, and unique patterns textures and designs.

NEXT Create an abstract design and fill in the design using these different swatches of value.  Try patterns, stippling, hatching, and crosshatch.  Try ink wash techniques as well. POST your work Tagged Sketchbook, along with your thoughts on it how you accomplished the task.

Fill 4 pages in your sketchbook over the course of the week.

Post when complete:



Write your post. Add a Descriptive title.

Choose CATEGORY (bottom right side): Sketchbook


Please add your introduction by [DATE AND TIME]. It should be between [250-300 words].

Before next class, read the comments and get to know your classmates! 

For extra credit, reply to one of your classmates’ comments. Do you have something in common? Did you learn something? Be kind.

Master Study: Albrecht Durer

As the only way to represent value in printed books was through the use of line, we can easily see how the art of printmaking and that of pen and ink illustration are deeply linked.

To see an amazing example of this idea in action, let’s look at the German Renaissance printmaker Albrecht Durer (1471–1528). Durer demonstrated the true mastery that could be achieved in inked and printed line art. Through expert understanding of line and value, he created depth, volume, and mood.

As you examine the following images, take careful note of Dürer’s use of hatching, crosshatching, and stippling in these images. Consider the incredible sense of volume achieved, and the quality of light, created through masterful use of line.

Week 5

Class Info

  • Date: TUESDAY October 6th
  • Meeting Info: Zoom Meeting Below

To-Do Before Class

  • Assignment 1 – Beverage Label , Part 4 of 5 due, Tight Pencil Sketch
  • Sketchbook Exercise Week 4
  • Reading Week 4
  • Discussion Week 4


Value in Illustration


Warm Up

What is YOUR Creative Type? I got THE DREAMER! 🙂


  • Wrap Up, Week 4


  • Small group sketchbook share


Assignment 1 Beverage Label (Tea, Coffee, Wine, etc.) Illustration
  • Tight Pencil Sketch



  • Review of Value
    • Pencil Techniques
    • Establishing Value key
    • Mood
    • Lighting
    • Object hierarchy
    • Focal point

In Class Demo 

LAB: Begin Value Studies (complete for homework)

*In each Value Study use a different value key to establish object hierarchy and focal point.

Review Assignments and Expectations for Next Week’s Class


Due Next Week

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Topic: Illustration 1
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