Professor Woolley | COMD3313 OL74| FA20

Category: Assignment one (Page 5 of 5)

Assignment 1, Part 5

Final Pencil Drawing & 3 Value Studies

  • Refine and finalize your drawing based on feedback and suggestions you have received.
    • Do not shade your drawing. Focus on drawing clean line art only.
    • Do tape off the edges of your composition.
  • Edit your drawing by using photo editing software.
    • Scan or Carefully Photograph final art.
    • Adjust Brightness and Contrast
    • Carefully Crop Art
    • Save your Artwork as a HighRez file (to continue working on)
    • Save a Copy as a LoRez file (to post to Openlab)
Dana Moreno Final Pencil Drawing

Value Studies:

REVIEW: Value Studies Step By Step

  • Create fill in sheets for Value Studies using one of the following methods:
    • Using a Adobe PS, copy/paste your design to create a fill in sheet.
    • You may PRINT this and fill in with pencils or markers, OR use Adobe PS/ or Procreate etc. to digitally color in your values.
    • Copy your drawing on a Photocopier and reduce it’s size. Create fill in sheets of your design to fill in by hand.
  • Color each Value Study.
    • Create one Lo-Key, one Middle-Key and one High-Key Design.
    • Consider Focal Points, Image Hierarchy, and Contrast.
Value Study (1 of 3)


  • CAREFULLY Post your Final Pencil Drawing, along with your 3 Value Studies and a Well Written Description of your working process to the Openlab.
  • Categorize your post FINAL ART.

Assignment 1, Part 2

Thumbnail Sketches

  • Write your concept out in the form a of a sentence in your sketchbook, to refer back to as you sketch.
  • Using a Ruler make 20 -25 boxes in your sketchbook approx 2″ on the longest side.
    • Always draw thumbnail boxes in proportion to your final art!
    • Be sure thumbnails don’t share edges. Leave a space between boxes.
  • Fill these boxes with 20 – 25 thumbnail sketches exploring your concepts.
  • Look at your inspiration board as you explore your concepts visually.




Post your

  • Post your Thumbnail Sketches carefully labeled, with name of client and a description of concepts illustrated, along with any additional sketches you may have done.
  • Categorize your post > Work In Progress

Assignment 1, Part 1

Brainstorming and Research

  • Identify a client who’s label you would like to redesign.
    • Choose based on an inspiring name, NOT based on your relationship with the product.
  • Research the client as well as any imagery suggested by the beverage, the brand or the name. Search for images as well as articles. Feel free to go with random ideas and whims, and to free associate, Don’t censor yourself!
  • Describe your client in a sentence.
  • Brainstorm in your sketchbooks based on research. Use the Word Web Method we practiced in class.
Word web using Japan, New York, and Central Park as Key Words.
  • Identify at least 4 different concepts for the final illustration and describe them in detail.
  • Write them out in the form of a sentence. Be sure the concepts fit the client.

Mint Magic Tea, Celestial Seasonings, Braldt Brald 1986
    • Client Celestial Seasonings, Mint Magic Tea is whimsical, fun, and magical.
    • Examples for MINT MAGIC TEA:
      1. illustration of a wizard, in a garden maze made of mint leaves, in front of a celestial sky
      2. illustration of a fairy bathing in a warm cup of tea
      3. illustration of a friendly gypsy reading tea leaves, in the cup you can see the tea leaves form the words “mint magic” in hand drawn letters.
      4. illustration of a cute baby dragon heating a tea kettle with its firey breath
  • Explore these different concepts through drawing in your sketchbooks. 
  • Create a Pinterest board of inspiration for Assignment One to share with your client next week. Collecting visual imagery related to your concepts as well any reference images.


  • Post your Brainstorm, Sketches, and a Link to your Pinterest board, along with a description of your Client, and your Concepts to Open lab.
  • Categorize your post Work in Progress.

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