Professor Woolley | COMD3313 OL74| FA20

Category: Assignment 2 (Page 8 of 8)

Assignment 2, Part 3

Tight Sketches Sketches, Color Studies, and Final Art.

  • Assignment 2, Editorial Illustration part 3 of 3, Tight Sketch, Color Roughs, Color Palate , and Final Limited Palate Colored Editorial Illustration.
    • Using any combination of Pencil, Ink and Digital techniques create your final, Limited palate color illustration.  
Sam Bosma, Final Illustration for Plan Sponsor Magazine with digital color palate



Post your

  • Post your Tight Sketch, Color Studies and FINAL ART, carefully labeled, with name of client, a link to the article you chose, a link to your pinterest, and a description.
  • Categorize your post Work in Progress.

Assignment 2,Part 1


Overall Project Description:

Create an Editorial Illustration for use as a cover illustration for an article in a magazine, printed or online.

In Part 1 of the assignment, you’ll find an article for source material for your editorial illustration. You’ll generate ideas through brainstorming, and you’ll find new ones through research.

You’ll come up with concepts during next week’s class.


Research:  Find an article from a legitimate news source, online or printed, about a topic which you are passionate about or find particularly interesting, as source material for your editorial illustration. Carefully read and analyze those articles.

Brainstorm:  Using the Word Web method we’ve used for earlier assignments, write down all of the key words you can think of related to the article.  Be sure to include the actions – what is happening, not just who, what, or where.

Word Web Method using JAPAN, NEW YORK, CENTRAL PARK as key words

Create an inspiration board on Pinterest.

Write: A blog post on open lab in response to the article. Identify the key stakeholders.  Who does this matter to and why?  Highlight particular areas of interest to you.  Share the article as well as your brainstorm and any images you may consider using in the future as reference material.

Discuss: Prepare a brief presentation of your chosen article and brainstorm.


Students discuss / analyze core beliefs and the origins of the core belief.

Analyze content and evaluate evidence

Apply critical thinking skills to make creative inferences

Evaluate different ethical perspectives and concepts

Respect and Use Creativity

Assignment 2, Part 2

Thumbnail Sketches


  • Write your concept out in the form a of a sentence in your sketchbook, to refer back to as you sketch.


  • Using a Ruler make 20 -25 boxes in your sketchbook approx 2″ on the longest side.
    • Always draw thumbnail boxes in proportion to your final art!
    • Be sure thumbnails don’t share edges. Leave a space between boxes.
  • Fill these boxes with 20 – 25 thumbnail sketches exploring your concepts.
  • Look at your inspiration board as you explore your concepts visually.


Concept Sketches


  • Decide on your top 2-3 thumbnail sketches.
    • Choose based on feedback you received from your Art Director (In this case ME.) and your peers, as well as your own passion and design sense.
  • Research additional reference images needed and add to your Pinterest board of inspiration for Assignment One. Collect any reference images needed to fully realize each design concept.
  • Create mock-ups using digital media to aide in rapid work.
  • Sketch 2-3 Concept Sketches.


Compare in this examples the Approved Thumbnail sketch and the corresponding Concept Sketch. Consider where changes were made.

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Post your

  • Post your Concept Sketches and Thumbnail Sketches carefully labeled, with name of client, a link to the article you chose, a link to you pinterest, and a description of concepts illustrated, along with any additional sketches you may have done.
  • Categorize your post Work in Progress.

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