Professor Woolley | COMD3313 OL74| FA20

Author: Kevin Osorio (Page 3 of 3)

Assignment 1-3: 3 Concepts

These are all pencil sketches. The product is TAZO Dream Herbal Tea. I’ve incorporated the tea ingredients: almond, chamomile, lavender, and valerian into each sketch to make a calm, fun, imaginative, and nighttime theme.

  1. The first sketch is an almond with horse legs in mid air with a lavender flower for a tail. A person is cheerfully riding on the almond. In the background is a rainbow and chamomile flowers.
  2. The second sketch is a boat sailing through an ocean of chamomile flowers during a night sky. The ocean is capturing the moon’s reflection and the almonds are pictured for mountains.
  3. The third sketch is a crescent moon with a human-like face wearing a night cap as it drinks a cup of tea. The smoke coming from the tea is the scent of all the tea’s ingredients, as shown.

Meet the Artist: Kevin Osorio

Hello, my name is Kevin Osorio. I have been in City Tech for four years but three years in the Communication Design major. My career focus is advertisement and graphic design. I never was huge on graphic design until I entered college. During high school, I really loved to draw a lot such as portraits of my peers or relatives, cartoons, and silhouettes. As much as I loved drawing, I never considered it a huge passion or looked at it career-wise. I only did it for fun just to kill my boredom, but with the experience I’ve had with drawing I used that to my advantage for this major.

I chose Communication Design because a friend got me into it during my first year. He showed me what assignments he did in his classes such as making graphics on computers, working with paint and ink, typography, and drawing. It immediately caught my interest and next thing you know I transferred to this major the upcoming semester.

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