New York Times: What the Fall and Winter of the Pandemic Will Look Like:

New York Times: Holidays Must Look Different This Year:

Before I begin my summary, I want to say the reason behind on choosing those articles is due to how curious I was to see what they have to say. Also, with the holidays coming up I am not entirely hyped up for it because it is going to be different this time around which is disappointing. These articles mainly focus on how COVID-19 will affect Fall and Winter of this year. Holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas will be strange due to people having to keep their social distance and that means no Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and going down to Times Square to watch the ball drop. Some people won’t be able to see their loved ones in person this time around and might be lonely. However, scientists and doctors claim they are working very hard to finding a cure and create vaccines to end this miserable virus and have the pandemic coming to a close while keeping hope alive.

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