Professor Woolley | COMD3313 OL74| FA20

Discussion 5: Kyle Sealy

This is an artist I found on Artstation and his name is Alan Xiao. He creates digital art from what I can tell from his art pieces. Most of his work is are Chinese inspired pieces. The reason I chose this piece is the composition and the way values of each part of the foreground, midground and background. The composition incorporates some movement, directional lines, the way its framed, it is view it from the ground up and it is an asymmetrical piece. This is piece is about the Chinese god Nezha. I really like the theme and colors of this piece.

1 Comment

  1. Maria Iacono

    I really like the colors and the theme of this piece as well. It’s really strong and it forces your eye to start from the bottom and travel up because of that directional line. I also really like how the colors change from cool on the bottom to more warm on the top!

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