Hi everyone! My name is Sal. Although this assignment is called #meettheartist, I almost never refer to myself as an artist 🙂 Instead, I call myself a graphic designer. Since that day, many years ago, when I first time launched the Adobe Photoshop program to manipulate the photograph that I had taken, I knew that I had a special passion for digital design and image editing. Someone might say, well, the digital design could be a form of art but for me, it’s more of a vision with function rather than something purely artistic.

Since duplicating vector graphics that I love creating so much is almost impossible for me on the sketchbook, I have decided to share the link to my designs here: (https://www.instagram.com/mumford.designs/).

I absolutely love simple, clean and colorful looking vector designs and that has been my artistic journey for the past year and a half. I hope to acquire more and more skills, broaden my imagination and never lose this passion because it has been one of the most fun things I have ever done in my life.