What I learned from lectures 11 & 12 are about how the concept has many deciding factors. From character poses, mood, camera angles, settings, composition and lighting, these are things to consider in creating the critical moment you are depicting to the viewer. Like in the illustration by Frank Frazetta called Death Dealer II, you can already feel the presents and the emotion that it wants you to feel when looking at it. All dark and gloomy and including the action of him swing on a pile of monsters. In the “The Man With The IronFist” by Tomer Hanuka, the pose of the 2 characters and the action of which is going on in the illustration, you can actually see the fluent movements of the punch. Not only that but the shadows and highlights bring out the muscles which gives it that feel of an action pack story. POV is really a game changer in an illustration. POV along with the positioning of the characters really set the emotions and also who has the power of the other. Like for instance with the Frank Stockton of Darth Vader and Princess Leia. The position of Princess Leia shows that she is powerless compared to Darth Vader who is overcasting her. The angle of looking up at Vader also gives of the feeling that he has the power in this situation.