Greg Ruth’s Stories: A love Letter was an interesting read. I found the last paragraph particularly compelling because he talks about how much creativity it takes to create everything from scratch. Specifically he states that, “Storytelling is human magic in its most important form, writ large. It is by every definition an act of magic to make up a person, write/draw that person to such an extent as to create an emotional response in an actual real live human person”. I think it’s quite amazing when a book or a movie, or simply just a drawing allows people to learn, allows people to become emotional, and possibly allow people to come out thinking a different way.

Towards the end of the last paragraph he ends it by asking a series of questions for example he asks, ” What story will you leave behind when you’re gone. Will it be worth retelling?” I hope to one day write and illustrate stories that are near and dear to some people’s hearts. That one day my stories will become important to some people. It doesn’t always have to be so deep though, I just think it would be neat to make a mark in someone’s life with my art and storytelling.