Final Art (Color)
(Updated Version)

For this artwork while I was thinking of the color palette I know that I have to keep the color blue that Facebook uses. In addition I used some other colors mainly white, grey, and blue. I used the white color for the logo, gray color to give the appearance of shadows, and lastly for blue I used analogous chart to get different kind of blue, mainly for the water and background. The white color and blue of course is to represent the colors for the Facebook logo . This also goes for the water dripping out, as you can see the binary codes are white while in the transparent blue water. Overall the white and blue also helped contrast each other to make the F logo which is the focal point pop out more to draw the viewers attention with the addition of gray colors to give it some depts. Also as you can see in the background the blue color gets darker as you look down, this is to sort represent the shady scandal and give the impression that the binary water are dripping down to a dark place.

Updated: For the updated version I increased the darkness on the bottom area to give a better idea of a dark shadowy lower area of the faucet, with the addition of fixing the F logo and lastly gave the binary code water a bit of a glow to attract the viewer’s attention more.