Both articles explain the very real and horrifying reality that out planet faces because of climate change and or global warming. Nasa’s article does a good job of pointing out the cause and effects of this national crisis. Global warming is more serious than people think and scientists predict that, “Hurricanes Will Become Stronger and More Intense” and goes on to explain how sea levels will rise up to 8 feet by 2100. Antarctica will be ice-free in the summer before the middle of the century. They’ll be droughts and more heat waves than ever before.

National geographic’s article also explains how serious our future will be effected if something doesn’t change. They explain that, “Climate change encompasses not only rising average temperatures but also extreme weather events, shifting wildlife populations and habitats, rising seas, and a range of other impacts”. They also state that greenhouse gas levels are higher than they ever have been before in 800,000 years. Climate change is a big issue that everyone should be concerned about instead of pushed aside as if it’s not as important as other crisis’.