So In regards to what I like to draw and illustrate, One thing that comes to mind are cityscapes , especially futuristic ones. I guess the reason for this is that I’ve always liked the scenes in the comic books I’ve read in addition to the movies in which I’ve watched which show a dark cyberpunk neo noir likes cities ( cough cough “Blade Runner”). Yeah I know, these sketches aren’t exactly detailed but I like to outline them first.

I sort of like to draw figures in action. I guess I’m still trying to find my Niche in regards to these and it’s been a while since I’ve drawn these but the whole motion thing in regards to figures just fascinates me and how comic book artists seem to do it shock me, plus I want to do comics at least some time in my life.

Drawing Robots has always been a favorite of mine since childhood. Just so many shapes, so much variety and versitility that comes with drawing these things. Sometimes I just sketch out various Robot heads and bodies and most of my robot sketches look rather peaceful than menacing.

Last but certainly not least is Still-life. Just sitting in the moment and clearing everything out to draw what you see before you just amazes me because you’re pretty much capturing a moment in time on paper.