My name is Angela Iacono and I’ve been drawing for a really long time. My sketchbooks mean a lot to me because they show my progress as an artist. When I used to look back at my art I would comment things saying, “wow this sucks” or “this is ugly Angela” but I have realized that back then I had thought those drawings were good and not only that but it allows me to see my progress and it allows me to be proud of myself for how far I have come. I have since erased those comments because not only were they really mean to past Angela but in the end those comments were not helpful and will never be helpful. As an artist, if you create something you dislike it’s easy to cover up and say bad things about it but you should try and accept what you’ve done and move on because it’s not really that big a deal or as bad as it seems. My art style has evolved tremendously over the years it went from super big bug like eyes with really long necks to more triangle style eyes with shorter necks. I still struggle with coloring in my art and finding the perfect micron pen size and color to line my work is hard for me sometimes. I feel that the black doesn’t really suit my style so when I do want to my sketchbook to be colorful I just wing it and go straight in with my markers. Doing that has allowed me to learn new techniques and become more confident as an artist. I used to never took any risks when I finished my sketch because I was afraid of messing up the line work and then smudging the line work and then having the colors be all gross. The more I draw the more I learn and the more I realize it’s okay to make mistakes and I wish I would’ve realized that sooner.