The main point of the article is to show that no excuse is ever good enough for not drawing, especially if you are working in a creative field. The author of the article has come up with an argument to almost all “I can’t draw” excuses. This very well resonates with me as I’m one of those people who always has a reason for not sketching and drawing. As long as I remember myself, I have always been very creative, wether that was photography which fascinated my at the age of 12, or now – graphic design, but drawing has never been something that I would think of doing. When I took drawing classes here at the school, after hours and hours of hard work and diligent sketching, when I would produce something that looked decent, I would be very happy but I would never voluntarily sit down and sketch for hours. Although, I must admit, drawing feels liberating. There is some type of feeling one gets, when the hand moves freely and produces a sketch.

In this class, I hope to enjoy the illustration rather than suffer from it just like I did with Foundation and Figure Drawing. I am happy that in this class, we can express our styles digitally or by hand, in oppose to following a rigid requirement of what sketch should look like.

I also hope that I can further develop my graphic skills in this class by allowing myself to work with my visions and ideas.