Journal #1

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This is my first week here at the Disney College Program in Walt Disney World Florida. I arrived a day before my check in date of Feburary 1st. When first leaving I did not realize how hard it would actually be to leave my family and friends, but I was very excited for the adventure ahead of me.

When first arriving at the Vista Way Pavillion the check in process went very smooth and I was able to find out where I was going to live during the duration of my stay as well as where I am going to work. I am currently at Vista Way in a 2 bedroom 4 person apartment and soon to be working at Epcot as out door vending food and beverage person. This week I have already gone threw my housing meeting and Traditions. There was a lot of information to take in threw this short amount of time but it allowed me to completely prepared and have full knowledge of the rules and regulations regarding my living and earning.

My room mates and I were lucky enough to get exactly what we wanted in terms of living. We have been in contact for over a month before our matching arrival dates and were very excited to finally meet each other. We all come from different areas of the United States so it was very interesting having such a diverse group of people. What made this week most memorable was how well me and my roommates were able to bond being that we have never seen each other face to face. All week we have been settling in to our new living space and slowly but surely getting to know each other on a more personal basis; As well as roaming the parts of Disney and familiarizing ourselves with the area. On our first night we took a long walk around Disney Springs. I was the only one out of the group who had never visited this part of Disney before. They were able to show me around with their well expanded knowledge of everything Disney. We all know the struggles and exciting adventures ahead of us, but we also know that we are lucky enough to have found each other to spend this opportunity of a life time with. Can’t wait to see what the rest of the program has to offer me.

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One Response to Journal #1

  1. You seem to be off to a fine start. I do hope you have found life long friends but please remember that communication takes a lot of work and setting expectations can be very useful to a positive living environment.

    Keep exploring and being curious. Curiosity will take you to great places of deep learning and great adventures.

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