Journal 2

2015-08-27 19.59.36

The world used in illuminations fireworks

2015-08-27 20.51.42

Traveled around the world at Epcot and got Duffy signed

2015-08-27 21.42.11

Sister came to visit with her friend, at Epcot

2015-09-03 00.20.01

Attempting to be healthy and eat actual food after working means cooking at 12:30AM

Finally earned my ears! I completed back of house training with the assemblage of the broiler, which was a bit hard because I did not pay much attention when we took it apart, and also a test which was a review of everything we learned. While doing our assessment with the leader, or managers they briefly went over what was expected. I learned that Disney used a CDS or cast deployment system which is a computer program which places you in your position until you get bumped by another cast member.

My first day after assessment was a blur, was placed on grill which was going out to the floor and cooking onions and mushrooms. I realized that I did not pay much attention during training because I had no idea what to do. After I asked a fellow cast member I realized the trainer had explained how to make onions and mushrooms but because I did not practice I did not remember it. While in my experiential learning class I was informed my learning style was reflective in the Kolb learning style inventory which is using my observation and reflection when learning.

About Sumen Zhao

Currently a student at New York City College of Technology
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One Response to Journal 2

  1. Did you just earn your ears in November?

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