Read and React #3

Networking one of the greatest opportunities to work your way up in a company, while working for the Walt Disney Company I’ve had various networking opportunities. Some of the best networking have been through workshops specifically the networking, in which you are able to meet company leader. One of the great leaders I met was Keith he started out int he college program and then returned to one day become a Human Resource Manager. He made me realized I want to focus my career in HR and like Keith it only takes determination to pursue a dream. For my leadership class, I interview one of my leaders. Her name is Nicole, she is a great role model for me because she also started on the college program, then returned in a Professional Internship as the front desk Manager. She is always supportive of wise cast member decisions, if we have any questions she is happy to assist and she has even taken time to teach me other things outside of my role. I will like to follow her footsteps, since she is very inspiring.

To enter on a management position at WDW one must be very charismatic, responsible and determined to motivate a team. This cast member must be able to abide the four basic keys for the company by showing care for others which leads to safety, being courteous to fellow cast members and guest, keeping the show by making sure everyone is on their Disney look and efficient in meeting deadlines and solving problems. Previous history in the company is essential a cast member who has always been on time, shows loyalty, extends working hours,  has no reprimands but instead favored by guest will have higher chance to obtaining a management position.

As stated on  “Transitioning into a Leadership Role: On-the-Job Success Strategies for Newly Promoted Managers“, it’s a rigorous commitment, and a bit “nerve-wrecking however as long as one has the right preparation. Adjusting to the new work environment will be a smooth transition for the leader and the cast members.

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One Response to Read and React #3

  1. I aggree with you, Alexandra

    Networking it’s really important, especially in this industry. It’s a great apportunity to be able to network with your leaders. never know in a later future what could happened. if they see your reallly good at what you do and passionate about it, they’ll think of you for a open position.

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