Journal 3

The Bus for traditions was scheduled to leave at 655am and I woke up at 630am. I was so afraid I was gonna miss my bus. I got ready and ran out my house with my shirt unbuttoned and my pants falling down but I made it to the bus at 650am but then I realized I left my paper so had to run even faster back to the apartment to get it and come back. Lucky for me my apartment was right in front. After I made it to the bus out of breath and with sweat down my back I had the chance to relax. One thing I can say about the run is that it pumped me up for traditions and definitely woke me up. Once at traditions I started talking to a kid from Puerto Rico who was sitting alone and found out that we both were going to be working at the same location. Traditions was one of the best job orientations I have ever experienced we had the chance to meet so many new people and met out boss Mickey Mouse but one of the best parts of traditions was getting the chance to go to magic kingdom and taking the tour. If was as if I was at Disney for the first time again. After we got back we also had a chance to see a video which showed us what making the magic is all about and who we were doing it for which I have to say did get me a bit emotional, but it was that emotion that made me realize that I had made the right choice in coming down to Disney. After traditions we were handed our first set of ears and our blue IDs which got everyone excited. The first thing me and my roommates did that day was to go to Magic Kingdom  which was what most people decided to do or at least my traditions class because I saw most of them at the

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One Response to Journal 3

  1. I am sure you learned a lot that day, not only from what what conveyed ad Traditions but about the bus and building friendships as well.

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