Question for a Disney Student


My name is Patricia Soto. I would be coming to Disney, Orlando Florida on August 18, 2014. I am very excited for this opportunity and I would be apart of Merchandise. The question I have for former Disney students is How would you know what time to arrive the first day of orientation? How would they determine, who would be roommates when you arrive?

Thank you and I look forward to this new experience!

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One Response to Question for a Disney Student

  1. Hi Patricia!

    My name is Timothy and I am a Disney CP Alumni of 2010. Let me first congratulate you on your acceptance into the Disney Internship Program!

    I know that first day on property can seem tricky but worry not! Disney has ensured to make this hectic transition as smooth as possible.

    In terms of arrival time, you should have received, if not chosen, a pre-determined window of time. Disney assigns interns a date and specific time frame to check-in. This helps avoid congestion of arrivals so that people are not needlessly waiting about for hours while they wait to check-in.

    After your check-in process, new interns will be given a chance to head to their rooms and unpack or catch the next bus to Casting! Casting is where all the finer details to your internship are ironed out. This includes your assignment to your physical location. It is here that you will also receive your specific schedule for Traditions (Orientation) as well as the preliminary schedule. They try not to overwhelm you on your first day so as time goes on, they will give you more information on your schedule so that you’ll be set up and ready to go!

    To the best of my knowledge, roommates are assigned randomly based on preferences that you’ve filled out (or will fill out)! These preference assignments work just like if you were to dorm, questions on smoking, etc. They are also assigned on a first come, first pick basis. If you and a friend have previously decided to room with each other, they will try to accommodate as long as they are aware and are able to. Unfortunately any more information on roommate assignments from me will just be speculation since they’ve improved the system since I’ve been down there.

    Hope this helps!

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