Journal entry 5


I finally hadĀ made a magical moment! I couldn’t be anymore happy. Since coming to Disney I have wanted to go beyond my duty as a cast member and make a guest super ecstatic to being in Disney. Because when they go back home those are the moments that count. This man and his niece came to purchase our speed racer boats. The gentleman asked us to make the sea racers seem like fun because he really wanted to rent one but his niece ( who had to be 4) did not want. The little girl was not having it and after a while started to cry hysterically to not go on the boat. The uncle still insisted and put his niece on the boat. While they were gone I felt so bad for the little girl thatĀ I thought to get a ” I’m celebrating” pin and put ” I’m celebrating being brave” on it. When they came back from their ride the little girl was still miserable but when I gave her the pin she automatically brightened up and became extremely excited about being pinned. The uncle was also very grateful. I honestly gave me great happiness to make that family smile!

On top of having a great magical experience, some of my coworkers saw my gesture towards the family and wrote me a “Four Keys Fanatic Card”. I was so surprised and appreciative.

My sister also came for the long weekend. I finally got to go to Animal kingdom and I loved it! it is definitely my favorite park. The lion king show was AMAZING!


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One Response to Journal entry 5

  1. GREAT post! I am happy for you, your co-workers and the little girl you created magic for. It is truly “magical” when a gesture that took just a little time but great creativity could make such a huge impact. This little girl will keep her pin forever and you will keep your “Key Card” forever. Disney’s policies that allow you and your co-workers to create magic make an impact beyond intention.

    Well done.

    Please add a photo of your “Key Card” to this post and keep it for your portfolio. In your portfolio I would like to suggest that you include this post and also add a reflection of the policies that allowed this magic to occur.

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