Journal # 10

Yesterday was an amazing day for me. I have the opportunity of interacting with at least with four of the around eight of the managers/leaders that were representing the different hotels/ resorts here at WDW. They prepared a town hall meeting for all the College Programs students that are working in the Housekeeping department at WDW. I particularly love this type of opportunities because I can interact and meet others cast members that are actually performing my same role. We had the opportunity of sharing our good stories as well as our dissatisfaction and bad stories or experiences. However, the best part of everything is that we get to see other managers and actually networking with them.

I love how Disney is a company where you can actually grow as a leader by creating your own leadership style because everything can fit in here. I love the passion and dedication of my leaders, but I also love the fact that they are willing to deal with us every day in order to make our workplace more enjoyable and happy for our short term experience.

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3 Responses to Journal # 10

  1. I like what you wrote and that you value networking and how Disney provides leadership opportunities in various methods and formats. Can you relate what you experienced in this situation with what you have learned in the classes you are taking?

  2. Yes!! Networking is one of the most useful tools that anybody can access here at WDW. In my leadership class and the personal branding seminar that I attended a few months ago, I learned how valuable it can be. It is important to let people to know about you as a cast member and as a future professional, because you never know who is going to help you into the company by giving good references or just creating a good business opportunity for you. Networking does not need to happen just with senior cast member but also with others college program students. It does not matter the job position or location anyone can be a valuable source and in this company that I something that really counts.

  3. donyun0827 says:

    I like Disney’s corporate culture. The organization is hierarcky of course, but the work environment is never hierarchy.

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