
This week I am a runner for two days. It is my first time to be a runner, I ask my coworkers what I should do besides delivering stuff to guests. They tell me that I need clean the single guest elevator and fill out all amenities. Later on the base call me to check a room’s standard(the number of the room is 2575). I am told to empty trash and change the dirty towels after I tell the base there is garbage in the trash can and dirty towels on the floor. I think I am done because that room looks so clean.

At the end of my break time, manager Peggy wants to see me. She ask me whether I check room 2575 or not. I speak with her about what I did in that room before and tell her the beds are completely clean. She keeps asking me if I check the sheets, I answer no honestly. She says if I am you, I will go ahead to check the sheets carefully to make sure it is clean. She is unhappy at that time, and she sends me and the other housekeeper to change the sheets right away. I am so confused about what I am doing as a runner. I know it is my mistake to forget to check the sheets, but in my mind the only thing I should do is tell the base the room is clean or dirty, I don’t think to clean a room is the runner’s job, that’s why I can’t understand Peggy’s angry. However, my role is housekeeping, it is my duty to clean everything whatever I am a runner or housekeeper, it is no big difference. I am learning everyday.

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3 Responses to Journal#7

  1. Victoria says:

    Hi Zhe,

    I understand your confusion. sometimes you are expected to know what you have to do. you have to take a minute and ask the basic questions, like what exotically do you need me to do? I feel that every time your position is change you should be trained on what you have to do. It is all a learning experience and we have to take one day at a time.

  2. Take a moment to ask about being retrained as a runner or maybe ask for reading material (check list) that details what needs to be done in each room. This will make sure that you will not have a similar experience. What training did you receive prior to working as a runner? What will you do differently if you were the supervisor?

    • Zhe Zhuang says:

      Dear Professor,
      I had two training days as a runner before, I was trained how to do the inventory sheet and deliver, how to do the amenities and glasses, how to clean the guest’s single elevator. If I am the supervisor, I know it is hard to familiar everyone’s position, but I will try my best not to misunderstand.

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