Work so hard its time for a break journal #7

This experience has been very interesting one for me. My classes are definitely putting me to the test. For me I think it’s just trying to make sure I get all my assignments done, most of them are papers. It’s getting them done and getting them done right. Writing papers has always been a challenge for me. I have now added a forty /fifty hour work week to that challenge. After a long hot day I come home and get homework done.  If I don’t stay on top of it I will fall behind, so I find myself always doing some kind of class work and that’s morning noon and night. I just keep telling myself work first play later but most of the time the play part never seems to come. For right now it’s all about work. This past week my roommate had to literally pull me out of the house. I’m glad she did because honestly I needed the break. She took me to her job she works at Epcot. Attraction, dealing with the rides, is what she does. I had an amazing time. I went on a bunch of rides, we watched a few shows, I took pictures with the characters, I even had a humongous turkey leg, it was the sizes of my head, and so delicious. I laughed, I played, I sang and had the time of my life. I felt like a big kid again. When it was time to go I was still filled with excitement. It was a break I really needed and the fact that my roommate, Mei, knew I needed the break, made the experience even better. What she did by getting me out the house got me to understand that it doesn’t have to be all about work. You have to fit in time for yourself.  You have to clear your mind which helps you work better and make sure you don’t go overboard on work or play, you have to create balance for yourself.

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One Response to Work so hard its time for a break journal #7

  1. Relaxation can rejuvenate your mind and body so this break can have multiple benefits. GREAT! Disney recognizes this too and that is why you are welcome to play in the Parks for free and to engage as a guest. The result of this well earned break is that you have a greater spirit for work and study and the guests will benefit too because you now know more about what Disney has to offer.

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