Other Disciplines


Career and Technical Teacher Education

William Edward Roberts 3D Modeling, Cognitive load, NASA TLX, Cues (the use of cues to reduce cognitive load in multimedia instructions), 3D immersive virtual learning worlds and Teaching in the 3D virtual world wroberts@citytech.cuny.edu P-510

Environmental Control

Daeho Kang Building energy simulation, High performance building, Indoor environmental quality analysis, HVAC systems design, and Ventilation dkang@citytech.cuny.edu V416
Lukasz Sztaberek Indoor air quality monitoring (with focus on VOCs) and purification using PCO (Photocatalytic Oxidation) lsztaberek@citytech.cuny.edu V437

Law and Paralegal Studies

Marissa J. Moran Legal Technology in relation to existing law, the expectation of privacy, security, data analysis, and evidence.   Forensic Science & The Legal Process exploring the intersection of science and law. mmoran@citytech.cuny.edu N-622
Restorative Dentistry
Avis J. Smith Various including Ethics, Inclusion, Education, Social, Health. asmith@citytech.cuny.edu A601

Vision Care 

Kara Pasner Research pertaining to vision/ eye disease. kpasner@citytech.cuny.edu A812 

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