Undergraduate Summer Workshop at Syracuse University’s iSchool

From Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies:

Join our nine-week residential research experience in 2023, funded by the National Science Foundation. College students from all social science disciplines are welcome.

Undergraduates from all social science disciplines are welcome to apply to this summer 2023 experience at the Syracuse campus in beautiful upstate New York. Successful applicants will receive $6000 in stipend funding plus free meals and housing.

Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies (iSchool) has excelled for more than 25 years at providing education for students interested in technology and its impacts on industry, education, health, the environment, and other sectors.

The research experience includes learning about text analysis, conducting a social science research project using data provided by professors, and opportunities for professional development and mentoring. Successful applicants will receive $6000 in stipend funding plus free meals and housing. Undergraduate students from colleges and universities other that Syracuse University are eligible for this funding.

Visit our website for more information and to fill out the online application form.

Scholarships and Fellowships!

From CUNY’s Tuesday Brief:


Check out these Scholarships & Fellowships:

BASTA Fellowship: If you’re a first-generation college student, apply to get additional support through the job search process (deadline 3/12/21)

NYC Summer Bridge for All Coach: If you went to NYC public high school, get paid to support high school seniors through their transition after graduation (deadline 3/17/21)

New York Women in Communications Scholarship: Earn a scholarship and access to professional development, mentoring, and a diverse community of communications professionals (deadline 3/19/21)

CUNY Cultural Corps: Get matched with a paid internship in the cultural/arts sector just for CUNY students (deadline 4/5/21)

Don Lavoie Fellowship: Learn about political economy while earning a stipend and research support through this online fellowship (deadline 4/15/21)

Urban Water Innovation Network undergraduate research program

The deadline for the Urban Water Innovation Network undergraduate research program has been extended by a few days!!!

Students will have the opportunity to perform cutting edge research of immediate relevance to people in urban areas at institutions in urban areas across the nation. Students with different research interests in urban water sustainability -social sciences, natural sciences, engineering – are invited to apply.

To apply:  erams.com/UWIN/urp

Application deadline: January 28, 2019 Midnight

Dates: May 29 to August 1, 2019 (9 weeks)

Eligibility: Undergraduate freshmen, sophomores, juniors or first semester seniors. Must be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. or its possessions. Underrepresented minorities and first generation college students are encouraged to apply.

Stipend: $4,500 stipend

Other support:  On-campus or nearby housing, travel assistance. The program starts and ends at Colorado State University in Fort Collins CO.

For more information about UWIN, visit:erams.com/UWIN

For more information about the program, contact Aude Lochet, program coordinator: locheta@caryinstitute.org


Evidence to Action Intern with the International Rescue Committee

Job Description

Job Title: Evidence to Action Intern
Band / Level / Grade: Intern
Department: Research, Evaluation, and Learning Unit
Location: New York, NY
Overtime Eligible: (per local law) N/a

Background/IRC Summary:

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and gain control of their lives. Founded in 1933 at the request of Albert Einstein, the IRC works with people forced to flee from war, conflict and disaster and the host communities which support them, as well as those who remain within their homes and communities. At work today in over 40 countries and 26 U.S. cities, we improve outcomes in the areas of health, safety, economic wellbeing, education and power. Given the disparity faced by women and girls, we specifically seek to narrow inequalities in the outcomes we seek, and to ensure that women and girls achieve equally to men and boys.

The IRC is examining the evidence-base available underpinning key interventions in a variety of sectors in development and conflict contexts as part of strategic planning, and is working to use this evidence to systematically improve our decision-making. The IRC’s Research, Evaluation, and Learning Unit is leading this effort.

Job Overview/Summary:

The Evidence to Action Intern will assist in searching for, analyzing, and synthesizing research evidence for the purposes of improving IRC’s programs. This work directly feeds into the IRC’s efforts to become an outcomes-driven and evidence-based organization, and will allow us to rapidly prototype and adapt various evidence synthesis products that can feed directly into decision-making by our staff as well as external stakeholders. The intern will report to the Officer, Evidence to Action. This position is part time, and will start on or around June 8th and will end on or around August 24th.

Major Responsibilities:

  • Performing desk research on the impact of relevant humanitarian interventions
  • Drafting evidence synthesis and dissemination products on topics relevant to humanitarian work
  • Managing and editing extracted data from research articles
  • Copy editing and formatting key documents related to the Outcomes and Evidence Framework
  • Helping maintain evidence databases, including parts of the interactive Outcomes and Evidence Framework

Learning Outcomes:

  • Synthesize research for informed humanitarian decision-making
  • Communicate research results to key stakeholders
  • Observe, interact, and network with different NGO partners and IRC staff

Key Working Relationships:

  • Position Reports to: Officer, Evidence to Action
    Position directly supervises:
  • Indirect Reporting: None

Job Requirements:

Education: Pursuing or recently graduated bachelor’s or master’s degree in a Social Science or other relevant field.

Work Experience: Previous experience as a research assistant, experience with literature reviews, or report writing.

Demonstrated Skills and Competencies: Ability to carry out searches for research evidence. Ability to write straightforward summaries of research findings. Detail-oriented, ability to enter data into Excel.

Language Skills: English required.


Working Environment: Standard office work environment.


The IRC and IRC workers must adhere to the values and principles outlined in IRC Way – Standards for Professional Conduct.  These are Integrity, Service, and Accountability.  In accordance with these values, the IRC operates and enforces policies on Beneficiary Protection from Exploitation and Abuse, Child Safeguarding, Anti Workplace Harassment, Fiscal Integrity, and Anti-Retaliation.

IRC et les employés de IRC doivent adhérer aux valeurs et principes contenus dans le IRC WAY (normes de conduite professionnelle). Ce sont l’Intégrité, le Service, et la Responsabilité. En conformité avec ces valeurs, IRC opère et fait respecter les politiques sur la protection des bénéficiaires contre l’exploitation et les abus, la protection de l’enfant, le harcèlement sur les lieux de travail, l’intégrité financière, et les représailles.