New approaches and designs for learning spaces on college campuses that are intended to encourage group work and active learning also provide great environments for undergraduate research. These innovative spaces can be found in libraries, residence halls, and student unions in addition to renovated classrooms and academic buildings.
Four to five articles of 2000 to 3500 words each are sought that share how campuses have deployed new learning-space designs to promote and support undergraduate research. The editors are interested in learning about how the learning-space designs were created and implemented, and how they affect student learning and outcomes. In addition, shorter vignettes (300 words) are invited that offer succinct descriptions of approaches that have worked for specific learning spaces or programs.
Some examples of topics of interest are the following:
– How was the new learning space design achieved? What was the motivation and purpose for the design? How has it benefited undergraduate research in specific disciplines and/or across disciplines?
– How do faculty members utilize new learning spaces to support undergraduate research? What are the benefits and challenges for faculty members and students?
– What approaches are faculty and staff members using to assess the impact of new learning environments on student achievement and outcomes?
– What have been the impacts of a new learning space on participation in undergraduate research across campus and/or in specific disciplines? What new partnerships have been formed, and how have they benefited student inquiry?
– Has the availability of innovative learning spaces helped to increase participation in undergraduate research by traditionally underserved students and/or by students in majors with little prior participation?
Submission Details. Submit a 300- to 500-word prospectus, describing the focus of the proposed article or vignette. Please indicate in the prospectus whether the proposed piece is an article or a vignette. Invited authors will be notified by January 20, 2017. Final manuscripts will be due by March 13, 2017. All articles undergo peer review.