Class 1
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
- Meeting Info: n Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Intro and Syllabus
- Activities + Assignments: Type Challenge: OpenLab + Assignment: Name Tag.
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class
Class 2
Thursday, August 31, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: The written language and origin of letterforms
- Activities: Type Talk: comments about video. Assignment: InDesign Document.
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class
Class 3
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Intro to Classification of Type: Serif/Sans Serif/Script/Display
How to Access Typefaces (web and print) Google Fonts, Adobe Fonts, etc - Activities: Work with fonts. Assignment: write a short description of a person or group who inspires you.
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class
Class 4
Thursday, September 7, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Intro to Project 1: Type Book. Basic Type Related Vocabulary 1: Baseline/capline/ x-height/lowercase/uppercase/ ascender/descender, etc.
- Activities: Page set up. Type Scavenger Hunt: two different classifications in use. Assignment: Vocabulary (Type Book page 1).
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class
Class 5
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: More on Classification of Type: Serif/Sans Serif/Script/Display
- Activities: Classification (Type Book pages 3 and 4)
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class
Class 6
Thursday, September 14, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Variations: Weight, Width, Posture.
- Activities: Variable Type. Assignment: Type book showing Weight, Width, Posture (Type Book pages 5, 6, 7).
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class
Class 7
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Alignment–FL, FR, Center, Justify, Interlinear Space (formerly Leading), Tracking, Kerning.
- Activities: Type Scavenger Hunt: Bold next to regular; italic next to regular; condensed. Assignment: Alignment, Space between lines, tracking/kerning (Type Book pages 8, 9, 10, 11).
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class
Class 8
Thursday, September 21, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Type on a Path.
- Activities: Kerning Game. Assignment: Type on a Path (Type Book Page 12)
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class
Class 9
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Playful Type.
- Activities: Add assignments, activities
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class
Class 10
Thursday, September 28, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Exporting file from Illustrator, Title Page (page 1), page 14 (type roundup), page 15 use of grid. Packaging files). Possible Extra Credit pages.
- Activities: Work on all above (Type Book pages 1, 13, 14, 15 and refinements).
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class
Class 11
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topics: Project 01. (See below re: Presentation). ALSO: Introduction of Project 02; start conversation about Expressive Type. Research and sketching.
- Activities: STUDENT PRESENTATION OF PROJECT 01. + For PROJECT 02, sketches of 6 words.
- Due Dates: Sketches of 6 words. 8pm the night before next Class
Class 12
Thursday, October 5, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: PROJECT 02.
Continue conversation about Expressive Type with a Sans Serif Typeface. - Activities: Type Challenge: Tools in Illustrator. Step 2: Expressive Words; continue; bring into Illustrator. Assignment: Complete 4 words in Illustrator.
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class
Class 13
Thursday, October 12, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topics: 1. Continuation of Project 2. Expressive Words, Part 1 Step 3 and
2. Part 2, Lettering (Difference between lettering and a typeface)- (1) Correct the 4 words +Add frame around artboards
- (2) Create a representation using lettering; make 8 sketches.
- Activities: Same as above. Assignment: Complete your sketches
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class
Class 14
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Lettering. Choose one solution from your sketches.
- Choose your medium.
- Activities: Type Talk: Lettering Artists. Assignment: Bring lettering to next steps.
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class
Class 15
Thursday, October 19, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Lettering and Word Experimentation. Continue to develop solutions.
- Activities: Type Challenge: Warp Text and Text Outline in Illustrator.
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class
Class 16
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Lettering and Word Experimentation
- Next Steps: in Project 2 PLUS Working with textures.
- Activities and Assignments: Color in typography, experimenting with text provided. Create textures and pull into InDesign for Class 17. Type Scavenger Hunt: find one example of Old Style Typeface out in the world.
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class. Students will learn mid-term status by Oct. 26 (P, N, SA grades have been posted on Blackboard).
Class 17
Thursday, October 26, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Lettering and Word Experimentation
- Activities and Assignments: Color and Legibility. Sampling image colors in InDesign. One word for each of the four textures created in Class 16. Continue Project 02.
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class
Class 18
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Expressive Typography. Color in Typography and Legibility. Refine.
- Activities and Assignments: Refine and move towards completion of Project 02. Complete by Class 19 so that everyone is ready to present in Class 20.
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class
Class 19
Thursday, November 2, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Prepare for Presentation
- Activities and Assignments: Complete Expressive Typography and Expressive Lettering. Package InDesign file. Prepare to present. PLUS Complete Type Talk and Type Challenge assigned in class.
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class
Class 20
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Presentations of Project 02. Possible Intro to Project 03.
- Activities: Presentation of Project 02.
- Due Dates: REFINED (from Class 19) PROJECT 02 DUE. 8pm the night before next Class
Class 21
Thursday, November 9, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Recap; what we’ve learned. Beginning of Project 03. Posters and Social Media Posts.
- Activities and Assignments: Review. Type in Color. Topic for Project 03.
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class
Class 22
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Project 03
- Acivities and Assignments: Grid, Visual Hierarchy, begin Project 03.
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class
Class 23
Thursday, November 16, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Continue Project 3: Poster 1 and 2
- Activities and Assignments: Type Talk, Poster.
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class—which is November 29.
Class 24
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl 1-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Continue Project 3: Poster 3. Text Wrap
- Activities and Assignments: Complete Poster roughs 1, 2, 3 (using text wrap)
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class.
Class 25
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl 1-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Continue Project 3: Color = Social Media
- Activities and Assignments: Complete Social Media Posts.
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class
Class 26
Thursday, November 30, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Continue Project 3: Type in Motion = Social Media
- Activities and Assignments: Creating an animated GIF; make an animated GIF with the name of your peeve.
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class
Class 27
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Continue Project 3: (Due Class 28 to refine for Class 29) + Script typefaces + Start of How to Prepare for presentations and final submissions
- Activities and Assignments: Exploration of Expressive Posters vs. Refinements to Poster and Social Media Posts
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class
Class 28
Thursday, December 7, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Projects 01 and 02 refinements: due by 8:30pm on December 13.
- Topic: Project 03; prep InDesign document for completion for end of Class 29; presentation in Class 30 on December 20, 2022.
- Activities and Assignments: Complete Project 03; include Social Media posts on Indd doc. Do Type Challenge. Possible After Effects.
- Due Dates: 8pm the night before next Class
Class 29
Thursday, December 14, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Wrap up class activities. Make any refinements for Presentation.
- Activities: Refine Project 3.
- Touch on AfterEffects
- Due Dates: Any revisions to project are due by December 18th.
Class 30
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
- Meeting Info: In Person. Pearl-116. 8:30am.
- Topic: Last class
- Activities: PRESENTATION!
- Due Dates: None! Congratulations! Grades will be submitted by Dec. 27. Happy Holidays!