Faculty: Please outline your grading policy here, including grading scale and specific participation requirements, as well as how and where you will communicate grades to students.

Grading System

• Participation and Attendance 20%

• Sketchbook  20%

• Individual Assignments 30%

• Midterm 15%

•Final Project 15%


In this class participation is required and graded. Weekly online discussion topics, critiques, and sketchbook shares are all part of the required learning in this course.


You are expected to work during class time on assignments for in real time with your classmates. You will be expected to share your work in progress with your classmates and the instructor.

You should expect to work at least four hours a week outside of class. You will find that assignments will take a lot more than that to be successful. 


Each student will present their work in progress weekly for critique using appropriate design vocabulary. Work must be ready for digital presentation at the start of class. The critique is a neutral dialogue. Students will present their work and discuss the strengths and weaknesses, expressing what works and what doesn’t work in relation to the assignment guidelines. Peer responses will be given. No personal likes or dislikes are discussed without elaborating the “why” of it. Design-specific terminology should be used at all times.


Within this class you are expected to communicate with your classmates and with your professor. If you are going to miss an online class it is your responsibility to let the professor know. If you are sick and miss a class when an assignment is due you will get a zero unless you contact your professor. If you have a question or are confused about something COMMUNICATE! Ask a question, send an email. Ignorance is not an excuse.

• Projects given as Homework Assignments are due to be received digitally before the beginning of class or noted by the Professor. otherwise they are considered late.

• ANY MISSED ASSIGNMENTS WILL EARN A ZERO. Assignments received after the deadline will drop a full letter grade, and will only be accepted within 1 week of the due date.  After that time period, any late assignment will earn a zero. If a student finds they will not be able to upload a project on the scheduled day, it is their responsibility to notify the instructor PRIOR to the due date and request alternate arrangements. Points will be deducted for late assignments and missed critiques.

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