Professor Diana Schoenbrun | COMD 3313 | SP22

Category: Help & Resources (Page 3 of 5)

Colors-Kayla W.

The color choices I normally make are usually with warm, bright, or complementary colors. I normally enjoy seeing the colors yellow, orange and red together (warm colors), because they give a sense of a warming emotion and I enjoy calm feelings. With complementary, I usually love how blue and orange look together, or yellow and purple. Overall, I normally love the color yellow, the different hues and tones. Preferably golden yellow is my favorite color. I think I choose these colors because I feel I’m personally a warm person, someone who anyone could come to, to talk about things, vent, or would want some comfort. These colors specifically remind me of summertime, and that is my favorite time of the year, feeling the warm sun on my skin and going to the beach to enjoy it.

Isolating your line art on a transparent background in photoshop

  1. Scan art in at 300dpi or higher in RGB. Make adjustments with levels or brightness and contrast. 

2. Zoom in and see if the white of the page is pure white and not grey or yellow.

3. Change image to to greyscale. Image>mode >greyscale

4. Open Channels up.

5. Select inside the channel. And hit command.

6. Now do Select Inverse. That will select the line.

7. Now copy onto a new layer, command V.

8. Then adjust levels. Image>Adjustments>levels

9. Move all sliders to the right to increase the darkness.

10. Make sure to add a white background layer behind the line layer.

11. Change file back to CMYK or RGB before coloring.

  • to change the color of the line layer you need to lock the layer and then select your color and paintbrush.

Nicholas Albanese Week 5 Reading: Response

March 2, 2022 11:43 AM

When it comes to choosing colors for my next piece, I often find myself gravitating towards colors with low saturation but high luminosity. I often prefer warmer colors like pink and yellow over cooler colors. The reason I think I choose those colors over others in specific is because of the feelings they evoke inside me. To me, pink and yellow represent innocence, joy, playfulness and fun. They can both be inoffensive colors and both are often associated with warmth, play, and fun.

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