Professor Diana Schoenbrun | COMD 3313 | SP22

Author: Tarique (Page 3 of 3)

Assignment 1, Part 5. Tarique Boatswain


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For color palettes, i chose to do 3 for a little more variety since it was hard for me to use certain color palettes without it looking weird in my opinion. The first palette is a personal palette, using colors that best fit the setting and using the colors of a vanilla flower for the girl in the middle. The second one is Monochromatic using black and whites. I found it weird using most colors since i felt like it gave it too much stimulation with the amounts of different things in the illustration and i feel like b&w made it look pretty nice and gave a cartoonish look. For the Last one i used analogous colors (yellow, green and orange) which is probably my least most confident one but it was nice to experiment. In the end i choose to stick with my personal palette since its the most im comfortable and confident with.

Ice Cream Thumbnail Sketches

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Concept 1: Using the refreshing and flavourful feeling of ice cream to symbolize a bubble of coolness in contrast of a hot summer sun

Concept 2: A garden full of Vanilla Orchids and people sitting on them eating the ice cream in bliss

Concept 3: Having pets interact with the ice cream in curious ways to give an idea on how flavourful it is, not to just humans.

Tarique Boatswain(Meet The Artist)

Meet The Artist

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