My client for this assignment is the Economist. My chosen article is titled “Will China offer Russia financial help?” For the thumbnails, I was trying to figure out creative ways to illustrate how China was hesitant to offer Russia financial help. I did through some more illustrative ways like having a character representing China trying to pull a life support plug of a suffering and bedridden Russia. In the end, I’m proud of the two concepts I ended up finalizing. The first is meant to be two pipes connected to a generator. The generator represens Russia and the left pipe represents NATO and the various countries it’s comprised of refusing to offer Russia financial help. Meanwhile, the pipe on the right is meant to represent China who is still financially supporting Russia. The second illustration is meant to represent Russia’s dependence on China. In this, I decided to represent China as a shady back alley dealer who offers Russia (represented by the man on the left) money and financial assistance. I decided to keep the China dealer character cloaked in shadow to represent their shady actions in continuing to financially support Russia. Meanwhile the man in the hoodie on the left is meant to represent the average Russian person today as he looks to the dealer as his currency falls to an all time low and he’s forced to turn to shady means in order to keep himself afloat.