The article I have chosen to do an editorial illustration of is one published by The Economist titled “Will China offer Russia financial help?”

The article is about China’s endeavors to financially and economically support Russia after being hit with western sanctions while still retaining their access to the global financial system. According to the article, the intention of this is that China wants to undermine the legitimacy and power of Western sanctions. They want to see Russia survive these sanctions and they refuse to condemn Putin for his actions against Ukraine. China plans on maintaining its arrangments with Russian with low trade volumes and minimal financial transactions through Chinese banks that are too small to have a presence in the West.

The most important stakeholders in this article are China and Russia. China has the highest risk since they need to manage financially supporting Russia while mainting its own place and access to the global financial system. They are afraid that if a country like America found out about the trade happening between Russia and China, that they would be hit with the same sanctions that Russia has been hit with.

I implimented this in my mind map and picked out key phrases from the article such as “half hearted help effort” and “conduit”. I believed words like this would help me get a better idea of the strained relationship between Russia and China after currently dealing with western sanctions.