In this very interesting article by Lex Berko. They speak on application or app that can help you receive the fastest and most beautiful route to your destination. Some things they were inquiring about was that some routes that are appealing to some may not be to others. This was something I also thought about, they asked themselves the question “but how do you quantify concepts as nebulous as beauty or happiness?” Their question was answered when they went to a website that juxtaposed two pictures and surveyed what people are appealed to most.
In my opinion Im not sure what route I would pick. But, I do know what I like in an alternate route app. I would most likely like to have a fast route that shows me the most pictures of urban artwork and basketball courts. It is very bizarre to see those things together but this is what I would like to see. I have been loving basketball since I was a little boy and urban art like graffiti art because I personally can not do it.