Please make sure that you know when your midterms are and that you’re ready. If you feel that you need help, please go to the Atrium Learning Center
AG18 / Phone: 718-260-5874
E-mail: learningctr@citytech.cuny.edu
Please follow @citytechlearningcommunities on Instagram if you haven’t yet. It’s a cool and fun way to share your journey and progress at City Tech as FYLC students. You can take pictures, selfies, landscapes, and whatever you want. It could be you at certain events, class, workshops, clubs etc. Post it and hashtag #Citytechfylc. The student with the most #citytechfylc posts will get a $50.00 gift card at the end of the semester. START POSTING!
FYLC Office
Unfortunately, our office is moving, yet again. We’re not very sure where we will be moving to, but I will inform you as soon as we get the update and settle down. Thanks!