On September 22, 2014 the whole class went on a field trip to The Center For Book Arts and The Rubin Museum. Being in The Center For Book Arts, I learned many things about the history of printing. A lot has changed from printing back than and today we don’t use the same objects. However, its still good that we haven’t forgotten its history. It will always be remember that it was so simple like today and that we should be thankful to technology. While, exploring and getting more information about the Center For Book Art I came across one image that stood out to me. The image is a work piece from Rachel Galindo, her drawing was unique and question what the image was about. At first I didn’t know what it meant or had an clue. However, I guessed that perhaps the artist was referring that a human being can be affected by natural. If mother earth is not taken care of later on the future natural will affect us that we can no longer escape.

In the second field trip to the Rubin Museum we explored the wonders of many art work. However, the piece that stood out the most was an art work called the Hunger. I decided to sketch it because I believe it had a meaning behind it. It’s an image of a man eating or biting a snake meanwhile at the same time the snake is eating its self.I believe the image should how the nation is suffering from hunger. People are hunger and the nation its self is suffering, I believe the image with the snake represents a cycle that no matter how much food it gets it will remain hunger. In both the field trips I enjoyed many art work however those two stood out the most to me.