“He had already seen his brother wave goodbye from the back of a dray, fried chicken in his pocket, tears in his eyes. ” (pg 258)
“He had already seen his brother wave goodbye from the back of a dray, fried chicken in his pocket, tears in his eyes. ” (pg 258)
“That it was just a thing grown-up people do–like pull a splinter out your hand; touch the corner of a towel in your eye if you get a cinder in it.” (pg 243)
Camphor (Beloved/Part 1/Page 178 (Red Book))
Pronunciation: kamp-fer
-A white substance with a strong smell that is used in medicine and to keep insects away.
Context: She bound their wounds and made them breathe camphor before turning her attention to Sethe.
Source: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/camphor
Faggot is a noun
According to the Urban dictionary online Faggot means: A bundle of sticks or wood.
The term faggot is used in chapter 23 of my reading of Beloved. This is the section where Paul D, Sixo and the thirty mile woman is trying to escape into the cornfield to meet with the woman who would help them to escape from Sweet Home and slavery. Sixo is captured and School Teacher gives his men the order to burn him alive. In their quest for wood to make a fire the narrator stated, ” dry faggots are scarce and the grass is slick with dew.” My understanding is that the men had difficulty building a fire because of lack of dry wood and the wet grass made it harder to start the fire.