Analysis On Goodman Brown and Metamorphosis

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka told a very sad story. A bread winner that transformed hideous monster. On the same day  of transformation he was to told by his former manager that his work performance was poor, so Gregor knew he did not have much more to live for. As time progress he grew more and more isolated from his family and his family fear, towards him grew greater as well. A family that once dependent on Gregor couldn’t go to Gregor for help, so their debt out grew their patience. Gregor family decided to get boarders or room-mates to help pay rent; which was bad idea due to the fact that they knew they were living with a  monster. This story shows the importance of family. You never know when an individual may need help  your help or when your peaceful family or  member within your family, may become strenuous or needy.

Goodman Brown is a story base is the line of faith; loss of Faith. Everything in the setting was seems real but the story went into a twist. Married man of three months and madly in love with his beautiful wife Faith. On the night of Browns voyage, the story takes and turn into becoming a fairy tale meaning; Brown was interacting and making evil laughs while trekking through the woods. During his journey Brown came across Christians that challenge his commitment to Faith; however Brown was strong and he trekked hard until he reach his destination.  Like the author asked his readers, was it just a dream or Brown really ventured  to find his faith that he left at home before the journey.

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