My Cover Letter by Keith Smith
I really feel I have come a long way in looking at Fiction in a whole new way. Especially when I read “Beloved”. This was a book that did not hold my interest but because it was mandatory, I was able to really understand the author’s theme. In my Part 1, I was able to write a 1400 word essay talking about Halle’s not being in the barn and how it affected the entire story. I put in that essay a totally different way to tell the story. Halle would become a main character instead of a remembrance. His part would be great but at the same time probably would have not changed many parts of the story (Beloved’s death and Paul D.). I had to use some creativity which I am not very good at. I feel that was a plus. Creativity was the main ingredient in Part 2 of Project 2. I was also able to focus on my topic of Freedom. I had to search far and wide for a song or poem that really put my views in perspective. When I found what I was looking for, I had to learn a new skill of applying it to my Project. I have never used Powerpoint before and it took a while to mesh things together. I am really proud of how it turned out.
What was most challenging or frustrating was trying to find specific quotes to back up my first part of my project. A timeline book is very easy to dish out the quotes because I know where they would be at. But this book was all over the place in time, and I got fed up with reading the entire book over (or most of it) and not finding what I needed. In fact you may have done this but I don’t remember, but give the students a heads up on what to look for, like changing the storyline, and applying quotes to back them up. I did not know to do this until after I read the book. That was probably my fault though. Another thing that was very hard for me was trying to put a presentation together and it took almost the whole day to get it right. But the good thing is that now I know how to put a presentation together. I have always spoken well to sell something, or make somebody understand. But to be creative and put together creativity is definitely something I do not do well. I remember in my other class I needed to make a widget from LEGO, and it took weeks. But give me instruction I can do it right the first time. This is why I can ace Math and Software Programming because it is a science. The other thing about how I roll is that if I go to a class and the teacher teaches ( no matter what subject) I learn . My GPA is 3.87 over three years and the only classes I did not get an A in was because the teachers did not teach. Just figure it out was the themes in those classes, and I couldn’t. Please don’t personalize this it is not for you. What I learned on Wednesdays from you was really cool stuff. But Sunday Night/ Monday I had no clue what I was doing. Personally I think if you were in classes those days I would have learned a lot. That is because you are a great teacher.