Project 1- A Rose For Emily

I will be Re-telling the story of “A Rose For Emily” in Tobe’s point of view. Tobe is the negro servant that has been by Emily’s side since the passing of her father.  Through everything that has happened, tobe seems like a loyal servant.

I’ve been on Miss Emily’s side since i was a young man. When her father passed, Mr. Grierson, i came and ran errands for her. After her fathers death, it took a bit for her to accept her father was dead. She didn’t want to allow anyone in the house to dispose of the body. It took three days for Miss Emily to give in and allow for her father to be buried. Miss Emily was a lonely woman. She didn’t go out, talked to nobody but me sometimes, and for her age, she wasn’t married yet. Mr. Grierson is to blame for that. Any man that presented himself to his daughter wasn’t good enough for him. Miss Emily thought china painting classes for awhile. Must’ve been a hobby because thanks to Colonel Sartoris, she didn’t have to pay taxes. Most people don’t understand because they don’t know her, so they judge.  Miss Emily has been through alot, seems like i’m the only one that see’s that. I felt some what happy for her when she started hanging out with a fellow named Homer Baron. I didn’t know much about him except that he works in construction, and moves alot. One day i was on my way to the market to pick up a few things for Miss Emily. I heard chatter that concerned Mr. Baron. There were two light skinned women, one was wearing a light blue dress with a matching hat, the other had a yellow dress, with matching ribbons in her hair. “Have you noticed Miss Emily and Homer Baron hanging out lately?” asked the woman in blue. “I have, i think it’s wonderful she’s finally getting out the house.” stated the woman in yellow.  “But isn’t Homer gay? i’ve heard he goes out to drink with younger men at the Elk’s Club.” said the woman in blue. “I heard something like that too, also that he’s not a marrying man.” said the woman in yellow. “I just hope everything goes well between them, Miss Emily has been through enough.” said the woman in blue. Amazed by what i just heard i rushed to Miss Emily’s home to inform her of what i just heard. She didn’t seem surprised nor upset by what i just told her. Miss Emily just sat there with a emotionless face , as if in her mind she finally snapped. “I’ll be right back.” said Miss Emily. Where are you going? i replied. She didn’t say anything, just walked right through the door. I was concerned so i followed her. She walked into a drugstore, and i saw her talking to the druggist. I’m looking inside from outside the drugstore so i wasn’t quite clear what she was telling him. I saw the druggist go to the back, but he never came back. A negro boy came out and handed her Arsenic. Why would Miss Emily need poison?, i thought to myself. We don’t have any rats, i made sure of that. I headed back home and waited for her there. Once Miss Emily walked through the door i jumped on her with questions. “What’s the poison for?” i said. She didn’t say anything. “Are you okay? you’ve been acting weird since the news i gave you.” She didn’t respond, just looked at me with a scary stare and walked into her room and closed the door shut. After that Miss Emily and I didn’t speak. I would just come in and out the house running errands for her. She wouldn’t permit me in her at all. When she wasn’t there she would lock it so i couldn’t get in. I wonder what she’s hiding from me. A few weeks has passed and i was smelling something horrible from Miss Emily’s room. I couldn’t stand not knowing what was back there, so i broke in while she was bathing. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Homer Baron’s body was laying on the left side of the body. He looked nasty and decomposed. As i was turning around to leave the room, Miss Emily appeared in front of me. I was completely horrified because i thought she was gonna kill me next. Instead she shoved me softly out the room and closed her door. I was in shock because of what Miss Emily has done. She was going about her day as if nothing happened. She wasn’t even worried about me telling someone. And she was right, i  didn’t tell anyone. I wanted to because this makes me an accomplice, but i cared for Miss Emily too much. I feared what would happen to her. Years has passed and we still haven’t spoken a word, Homer’s body was still laying next to her, and she was very ill.  Just before she died  she thanked me for everything i’ve done for her. After her father died, i was the only family she had left, even though we weren’t blood. I informed Miss Emily’s cousin of her death, they informed the town and planned to pay they’re respects. The next day i let everyone in the house. As they were entering, i was leaving through the back door. It was time for me to leave and move on with my life. Miss Emily was a kind woman, i just hate what lack of love pushed her to become.

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