Setting shapes stories in many ways. People with less usually seem to have more and others with more seem to have less. This becomes truthful with the stories “The Yellow Wall-Paper and “The Cottagette”. In “The Yellow Wall-Paper” the characters are wealthy yet lonely and miserable within their own being meanwhile in “The Cottagette” they’re less wealthy yet full of life and love. Both stories are set in the homes of the narrator.
In “The Yellow Wall-Paper” Jane is staying in a lavish home lots of floors space garden and servants and her husband whom is a physician. But she’s suffering, she refuses to tend to her child, she becomes controlled by the wallpaperin her bedroom. Her life is the wallpaper P67 (“I see her on that road under the trees, creeping along, and when a carriage comes she hides under the blackberry vines”) she’s hiding like the women hidden inside the wallpaper. She has to escape P69 (“Then I peeled off all the paper i could reach standing on the floor”). All the flaws rips and tears in the wallpaper relate to her. The Yellow Wall-Paper is a dark story the character wants to breakout but shes mentatlly and physically trapped in the room and she’s the only one who can release herself. P70 (” I’ve got out at last”). She becomes free after she destroys the wallpaper.
In “The Cottagette” Malda is young full of life she lives in a small home with her friend. She has all the necessities to live rooms kitchen bathroom more than some other villagers had and shes content P47 (” The Cottagette” I loved unreservedly.”) She loved to paint but loved to do for others more. She fell in love and put her ambitions on hold to please him. He noticed and proposed to her as he proposed he made her promise that she no longer has to do what she thinks others need and just focus on herself P53 (” But there’s a condition!” said he all at once, “You mustn’t cook”). People with less always appreciate more and find the best in most situations.
The two stories “The Yellow Wall-Paper” and “The Cottagette” have similar setting with different themes. Each narrator has a different approach on life. Jane in “The Yellow Wall-Paper” needed more for survival meanwhile Malda “The Cottagette” was happy either with.