Author Archives: Tiffany


Plaques(noun)a thin, flat plate or tablet of metal, porcelain, etc., intended for ornament, as on a wall, or set in a piece of furniture.

“On its face, the whole project is Stalinist: Just as the Soviet dictator purged historical photographs to remove his defeated rivals from the record, this aims to take down (or annotate with politically correct plaques) monuments raised in the past on the grounds that, wow, some New Yorkers no longer see things the same way.” “De Blasio’s begging for trouble with this ‘monument review’ commission”

When I encounter the word Plaques, I have no idea what it mean. I never heard of it and context clues wasn’t helping me at all. After I read the definition, it gave me a picture of an award, an award that can be hang on the wall or set in a piece of furniture as the definition said. I thought it’s just a piece of round metal that we receive for our achievements but it’s way different than I thought until I found a picture online. I’ve figured that a plaques is what we use for “hall of fame” award in grades school. I’ve seen it multiply time but never knew that it has their own name; plaques.

Why collaborate?

In Ellen Lupton’s “why collaborate”, she states both why she like and also dislike about working in group. Group work can go either way, the good way or the bad way. Having a nice group will benefit you not only on your study but also your grade. Ellen Lupton state that “It’s a joy to work on a team whose members have clearly defined roles and distinctive skill set.” Im sure everyone here can relate to what Ellen mean. Having a group of member who know what they’re doing can make the project way easier. Group project can also be frustrating if you have members who decided to slack off “…however, when a few people are doing the heavy lifting and the others are there only to “insure consensus” or “weigh in” on concepts.” In some group work, slackers might exist just for taking other people’s credit, we call them the weight, which is use to describe as them pulling the rest of the group down.


Empower(verb):to give power or authority to; authorize, especially by legal or official means. 

“Sociology can empower people to effectively address the problems affecting them by helping them develop a ‘sociology imagination.’ Page 10 “Sociology lecture notes”

I encounter the word while I was reading my sociology notes. I heard of the word before but I’ve never really search up the meaning of it, all I know is that the word “power” is in it. I took a guess and thought the word means gaining the power because the following sentence gave me a hint of it. ‘Affecting them by helping them develop…’ the word helping and developing both representing something positive. When I search up the word, it means giving powers, when the sentences were put together, it means “sociology can give powers to people to effectively address the problems…’


Critiques (noun): a criticism or critical comment on some problem, subject, etc.


The word critiques was found in the Project #2; the Monument Surveying

“Offer and receive critiques, and use them to improve your work product.” Found on page 2.

When I encounter the word critiques, I thought of criteria but when I put the word in, it doesn’t sound right. I realize criteria doesn’t help you improve your work like the second part of the sentence. I thought of another word, criticism. When I plug the word in, it makes sense and when I look it up, I was right. Came to think about it, the word critiques gave some club of the meaning like crit and also the last part of the sentence. We can only receive criticism to improve our paper.

Project 2 Reflection

To be honest I am very excited for this project. After 2nd weeks of college we finally get know each other instead of being a lonely goat in the class. What makes me more excited is that the group project brings us outside of the school with each other. While we’re all busy with our schedules, we can finally have the opportunity to go explore around the area. I think this project will help us bond together.

Past, present and future

Hello everyone, my name is YuQing but everyone call me Tiffany. Speak of my name, I would like to explain the meaning behind the name YuQing. The word Yu defines as rain in Chinese and Qing stands for Sunny or clear sky. When you put it together it means “the sky clears up after the rain” or “new hopes after a disastrous period.” My parent gave me the name for me to shine bright even if life is giving me a hard time and for me to believe that everything will be fine after all the hardships. This name help developed a unique personality for me. I will say that my personality is pretty bright and cheerful. Even though at times there are “rainy” days in my life, I always find some way to lighten myself up. I took this picture last year and I realized it represents my name in some sort of way.

I have passion in many things; photography, fashion and latte arts. I bought my very first camera, Cannon T5i, two years ago. I think the pictures we captured can tell lots of stories depending on the person’s point of view. I am surrounded by many friends that are into photography which motivates me to experiences it by going on adventures with them and my camera. A single picture can leave memories and express the author’s mood and idea just like fashion. My passion for fashion developed when I was young. The thoughts of becoming a fashion designer was growing day by day, however I turn it down because of some personal reasons. Although I wasn’t able to achieve my goal, my passion for fashion is still continuing, it’s the main reason why I choose to major in fashion marketing. If I can’t become a fashion designer, I still want to be enrolled in the fashion industry. Fashion is a really broad art form. Fashion does not only include clothing but also includes art in everyday life, for example, latte art. I started to work in a coffee shop around March and began to learn latte art. It amazes me that such a simple design can be so fashionable which lead many fashion blogger to post images of it with their outfit, showing the aesthetic sides of both subjects. I see myself working in a fashion company and open my own cafe further on in my life.

My profile represent me and my name a lot. New York City is a city that never sleeps. The buildings’ shining bright light lit up the darkness that everyone hates. NYC is a very busy and loud city which perfectly reflects me. I get loud whenever I am with my friends. Other people won’t like it but I know my friend enjoys my appearances because I bring smiles to their faces. I would like to act as the light in other people’s life because I am a cheerful person. I can be like the moon hanging on the sky leading people to their path or the driver in the car driving you to your destination.

Going back to the meaning of my name, I am the one who is never phased by the “rainy” days and the darkness. I always try to create happiness in a bad moment. I felt like I played the role of a therapist whenever my friend need me. When she’s down, I brought her out to places where people can enjoy themselves and be themselves. That place of one was the bridge between two cities. It helped her relieve all her stress and it gave her the motivation to move on and it gave me confidence to be who I am today. I believe that life is not always sunshines and rainbows, there are always bad days ahead of you. Although you cannot stop these moments from happening, you can always change your point of view and approach your problems differently.

Overall, I have a positive personality once you get to know me or talk to me. It matters to me that you get to know my true side because to some people I am a introvert however, I am the complete opposite once you enter my world. I hope after my introduction, some of you can approach me in class. We can help each other for the semester or throughout the year. Since everyone is a freshman and we barely know anyone in college, we can come together and make our very first friends. As I go through my years in city tech, I hope to give a hand for those students who needs it. I wish to be more social not only in college but also for my life and my career in the future.


Adequate (Adjective) :  sufficient for a specific need or requirement

“In order to give both me and your classmates adequate time to read and comment your writing, blogged material will be due the day prior to class, at a time to be determined.” (Guidelines for Blogging on the OpenLab; page 1, all the way toward the end of the page.)

When I was reading the paragraph, I was confused because of the word adequate. However I was able to use context clue to figure out half of the meaning, I wasn’t a hundred percent sure until I searched it up on the website. I think we will use this word frequently in the future but in alternative way of saying “enough”.