Author Archives: SFSeaton


Commissions (noun) a task or matter entrusted to one as an agent for another.

The content in which the word is being used is, “… allowing them to work together and tackle big commissions that draw on all of their talents.” Article “Why Collaborate” page 2 of 2.

The definition in other words state that the word commissions is a big job or a given task. Lupton is explaining to us that sometimes we need teamwork to tackle big projects. Therefore, divide the work equally with others and based on individuals strength to get the work done at a quicker rate.

Beauty Under The Sky Part 1

Brooklyn War Memorial 

The name of the monument is “Brooklyn War Memorial.” It is located at Fulton and Tillary Street. The monument was designed by Stuart Constable, Gilmore D. Clarke, and W. Earle Andrews. Its sculpture was done by Charles Keck, and architect was done by Eggers and Higgins. Its description is that it has two large figures at the ends but more frontward. On the left it has a male warrior and on the right, is a female with a child. These symbols represent victory and family. The monument is made of mostly limestone and granite. It was dedicated to the heroic men and women of the borough of Brooklyn who served in World War II. On the inside of the monument there are approximately 11,500 names of the fallen soldiers during the war. The idea came from Parks Commissioner Robert Moses’s. It was to create unified WWII monuments for each borough. However, Brooklyn was the only one with a monument like that. In the carvings it states “ This memorial is dedicated to the heroic men and women of the borough of Brooklyn who fought for liberty in the second WW 1941-1945 and especially to those who suffered and died, may their sacrifice inspire future generations and lead to universal peace.”


Reflection on Project Two

I think this project will be cool because you get to introduce yourself to new people and discover the way they think. This is also interesting because it is an argumentative essay so I’m anxious to see why someone will like to keep the monument up or remove it. You might even realize that you pasted  monuments daily walking to City Tech or hanged out around one and did not notice that it held such great meaning in either a good or negative way. This will also help me with my argumentative skill and building on my story to engage the reader to keep on reading and even give their opinion.



Arbitrary (Adjective): .Based on or determined by individual preference or convenience rather than by necessity or the intrinsic nature of something

“In my own experiences as a student, I have enjoyed voluntary, informal collaborations with my friends, but I have resented being forced into arbitrary, mismatched teams in the name of social correctness,” this is where I encountered the word.

When I first encountered the word arbitrary, I used context clues but I still did not understand the word. I then searched up the term on and got its definition. Two definitions came up, but the second one was most appropriate. However, the definition basically means by random selection or random choice. The author of the article is voicing her opinion on random selections of groups. She is saying that she dislikes arbitrary because she will feel more comfortable, with a group that she selected rather than one that was forced upon her.

The Story of The World’s Soon Greatest Ophthalomogist

My name is Shemika and I was always passionate about becoming a doctor, but I was uncertain of which field to specialize in. I wanted to become a Research Doctor to find the cure for HIV\AIDS. I became interested in this field because someone in my neighborhood was infected with the disease and I’ll watch the individual suffer and have several breakouts. When it was time to attend high school, I wanted to attend to Clara Barton for nursing but someone introduced William. H Maxwell High School and praised its Vision Care Technology program. I attended Maxwell and enrolled in the program in which I graduated as an honored student and received the gold award in the vision program. After three years of attending high school I knew I wanted to become an Ophthalmologist.

My aesthetic sensibility that guide me are reaching, achieving, gaining, and succeeding goals, needs, and wants. I choose these aesthetic sensibilities because when it comes to my education I love to gain knowledge and expand in critical thinking. Failure is not an option but we all must fail at some point to make us better; and in the long run it makes us stronger and more competitive. In five to ten years I will like to be attending medical school to become an Ophthalmologist and start putting my ideas together to open an optical business. I am very out-going, people oriented, very humbled, open- minded, talkative, and I love the Vision Care Technology Program. My career goal is to become the best in whatever I do and make sure my patients leave with the best possible vision.

My profile picture is a representation of me two days after my senior prom. It was my senior picnic and exactly one week before I graduate. Nevertheless, that day held more meaning to it than a senior picnic. I was also attending the Lupus Walk. A few months before the Senior Picnic and Lupus Walk one of my high school teachers past away from the Lupus disease. Therefore, I wore a purple ribbon in honor of her and walked on her behalf. However, I knew she would have wanted me to be happy and enjoy the picnic so I did.
Persons may misinterpret this picture as someone that is always confident and hang out a lot. Sometimes it is the opposite, I am not always confident and do not always hangout. That day started out very gloomy, but it managed to bloom into a wonderful day with much laughter and enjoyment.

In my bio, I spoke about my future, learning about my career, graduating, aesthetic sensibilities that guides me, some characteristics about me, and ideas. I spoke about these things because ever since I was thirteen I always wanted a career in something that I love doing; and I knew I wanted to become a doctor. Graduating high school was important because I knew it was going to lead me one step closer to my career. I worked hard to obtain the gold in my major because I became passionate about Vision Care Technology. I have only stated some aesthetic sensibilities but the most important one is my mom. I see her working hard daily for me to accomplish my goals.

I may not like failure but every time I fail my mother is right there encouraging me to try again. I have a lot of ideas for an optical business in the future and I will love to gain opportunities especially with persons that has been in the business for years. In life  you never know when it is time to leave this precious thing call life. Therefore, live each day happy although discouragement may come your way; and never give up on your dream. While attending City Tech I expect to push myself pass my expected limit, I expect greatness and success and any opportunity that may come my way. I expect to also graduate with honors once more if I am granted with it, but most importantly I expect to enjoy my time there.


Incremental(Adjective) Relating to, being, or occurring in small amounts

“Incremental work on Projects: Each project will develop from a series of smaller assignments. As you complete these according to the project assignments schedule you will post on our site.”

When I first came across the word incremental I had no idea of its definition. I did not use context clues. I just stared at the word hoping it would have told me its definition. I then proceeded and searched up the word on and the definition came up. When I first read the definition I was still puzzled I stared at the definition and had an entire conversation with myself like how are you going to understand this. It then occurred to me you do not understand the word Increments so I clicked on the word and noticed it means increasing. However, I gathered my thoughts and understood the definition. I then re-read the two sentences in which the word was written in. I then noticed if I looked for context clues in the beginning I would not have to search up the definition of the word because the definition was clear. Therefore next time I will remember to use context clues.