Beauty Under The Sky Part 1

Brooklyn War Memorial 

The name of the monument is “Brooklyn War Memorial.” It is located at Fulton and Tillary Street. The monument was designed by Stuart Constable, Gilmore D. Clarke, and W. Earle Andrews. Its sculpture was done by Charles Keck, and architect was done by Eggers and Higgins. Its description is that it has two large figures at the ends but more frontward. On the left it has a male warrior and on the right, is a female with a child. These symbols represent victory and family. The monument is made of mostly limestone and granite. It was dedicated to the heroic men and women of the borough of Brooklyn who served in World War II. On the inside of the monument there are approximately 11,500 names of the fallen soldiers during the war. The idea came from Parks Commissioner Robert Moses’s. It was to create unified WWII monuments for each borough. However, Brooklyn was the only one with a monument like that. In the carvings it states “ This memorial is dedicated to the heroic men and women of the borough of Brooklyn who fought for liberty in the second WW 1941-1945 and especially to those who suffered and died, may their sacrifice inspire future generations and lead to universal peace.”


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