Author Archives: lovesu

project 4 part 1

what if you could choose between the fastest route and the most beautiful one. Well if I could choose I rather take the most beautiful route even though the fastest route is more quicker. On my detour I would choose to get of  my train at the stop of Nevins instead of my normal stop. The stop of Nevins is like about a 10 to 12 minute walk up to city tech college along the route is beautiful to me because you have the different retail shops and the different restaurants. even though its so many people I like the smell of the different foods and the decorations for the holidays. Along that route its so many people hustling to get to their trains and buses where as me I just walk along site seeing looking at the decorations for  the holidays. during the holidays is when I would like to take the detour and just walk I would take this detour during the time where their is not so many people, but when is that its the Fulton mall its always full of people shopping and sightseeing. that’s why I enjoy my detour of getting of the train at that stop just so I can see the all the people and the retail shops and the smell of the food and the holiday decorations which always draws me in to do a little shopping along with the people .




noun  cor·re·late  \ ˈkȯr-ə-lət , ˈkär- , -ˌlāt 
When either of the two things so related that one directly implies or is.
where I first encounter the word Correlate is in the city tech reading for the class in the what if you could choose between the fastest route and the most beautiful. Once I encountered the word correlated immediately tried to put it in a sentence and use It they way that they used it but I still didn’t quite understand the meaning of the word . When I look the word correlate up and I use the word correlated into a sentence I think I understand what the word now means to correlate when two things go together. The sentence I used for the word correlate was those emails correlates directly to me getting a new position. I now fairly underatsnd what the word mean and I can use it in a sentence and when I encounter the word again I will not get confused about what the word now menas.



noun ca·rouse \ kə-ˈrau̇z a drunken revel 
 where I first  saw this word was in the  city tech reading for the class .A literary visitor strolls in from the Airport. When I first saw the word I thought it to mean to just go around town carousing about just to walk around with not a care. So with me not really fully understanding the word carousing means to be in a drunken revel I had to put it in a sentence to get the full understanding of the word to carouse. Now that I understand the word and can use it in the correct way and I have the full understanding of the word I can use the word carouse in a sentence. Me and my friends were in Costa Rica carousing around town at  different bars.

Gentrification of housing

The fact that more and more people move to Brooklyn every day. with that comes over populated  Brooklyn is well known for being overpopulated . Now with that being said  with the overpopulation their is a housing shortage less people have housing or can afford to stay in their neighborhoods. their is always construction going up replacing the old with new so where do we place the old that was once their and why cant it stay and we just modify it to look as much like the newer ones. Every construction that I have seen taking place has always been some form of condo type building, or either coop style why cant we take the buildings that’s in our neighborhood and turn those into adorable   housing like the ones that are on 287 Ashland place two construction going on at the same time one is of a condo building and the other is of an affordable housing  which these two overlap in the same space two new things one representing something else and the other representing another. The fact that less affordable housing is available and more non affordable is not fair to those who live in those communities.

As I walk through different neighborhoods theirs always some form of construction going on  due to the fact that NY is one of the most fascinating places to live in and the city does not have enough housing for those who cannot afford it .Is gentrification of a neighborhood beneficial  I would say in a way it s not important I figure if we must improve our neighborhood we should not take out the old and replace it with new, not all the  time it is better for us because once you decide to replace the things that is in the neighborhood with new apartments everything else around you going to want to change also just because of the fact that they want to attract the same people as the other place are. So with new developments of condos in the neighborhood comes different races  of people , with that comes higher rent for those who decide that they want to pay for all the amenities that this new building has to offer rather than staying in a building that was their before with less amenities or lower rent . What about those who can not afford this what do they do where  do they go. do we just replace them with the new people and forget about them   what about the mom and pop shops that was already their do we replace that with something better . What do we do when their is so much housing shortages in NY.

Do we leave NY period a city were their is constant gentrification. Up rooting you and removing you from your neighborhood and replacing you with new. Brooklyn is an awesome place to live but it is  so overly populated their is so much to do here but so less affordable housing for people to choose from .so many different people many things being replaced according to Colson White head “one day the city we built will be gone and when it goes we go.”

The housing shortage in NY is such a big problem that maybe their will be no more affordable and that affordable housing will be replaced by all new buildings. The new removing the old the “according to white head “its hard to imagine that something will take their place but at this very moment  the people  with the right credentials are considering how to fill the carters. when I compare the two buildings at 287 Ashland place both construction  being done simultaneously with both they are brand new one is attracting a different group of people while the other is attracting  another group of people ,even though the neighborhood consists of so many types of people from various backgrounds can everyone really afford the rent of  these new buildings our neighborhoods. New buildings new shops higher rent replacing old shops and old homes the cost of living goes up . The neighborhoods are  always changing could change be a good thing or could change be a good thing or a bad thing .I think all things have their pros and cons to it gentrification can have its good sides and bas sides.  But with gentrification do we remove everything that is old and replace everything with new or is some things worth keeping . I think the neighborhood at 287 Ashland place is going through a lot of gentrification that the affordable housing will be overshadowed by the new condo being done its right across the street from the Brooklyn Academy of music so many people would love to be in walking distance of their school to be a shopping district in the heart of downtown Brooklyn close to all of the trains yes this would be a great place to stay but would we be able to afford to stay in an area like this can we afford this is this due to gentrifying of an area .

is this still your neighborhood or is it something that once was too you  can you still remember what was once their. “White head said that naturally we will cast a wary eye towards the new kids on the block, but lets be patient and not judge too quickly . We once was new also so don’t be surprised when their is construction going up in your neighborhood  how would you feel if  they don’t even try to  include you. Do we even care about the housing shortage in NY Is their something we can do to fix this problem in this wonderful city.


works cited  Colson White head .” City Limits”



noun con·glom·er·a·tion \ kən-ˌglä-mə-ˈrā-shən is the state of being conglomerate a mixed mass of collection . where I first seen this word was in the class reading of walk with me. is where I saw this word I tried to read the paragraph over to see if I understood what the word means but I still could not understand the word so I decide to look the word conglomeration up which I still really didn’t understand until they used in in a sentence for me where I could understand the word conglomeration because the first definition they gave me I really didn’t understand what the word meant the first definition still had confused me some the first  definition was to be in a state of conglomerate which means what literally . So when I went to look the word up further and used it in a sentence I think I may understand the word a little better then before .
ok going to try to use it in a sentence to make sure I understand the word that is a beautiful conglomeration of flowers {meaning a lot of flowers a conglomeration of } so now that I understand the word I can use it in a sentence and now when I see the word I am not confused by the word.

My choice of overlapping NY

the reason why i choose my place was because it was so much going on in that neighborhood a lot of construction a lot of people shopping and it was in the heart of downtown Brooklyn not to far from the Barclay center . I choose this particular place of the one at 287 Ashland place of them building affordable apartments but right across from that is condominiums. So with that being said it was i choose this place do we really need more apartments that we cannot afford in these great neighbor hoods or  do we need things that we can afford. According to Colson  white head “this place multiplies when your not looking . We move over here we move over their”.According to Colson  if you go back to your neighbor they remain and everything else disappeared this idea supports my overlapping New York .  Because it talks about the constant changes in your neighborhood with the constant construction of New housing but not enough affordable housing. this is my reason of choosing this overlap and why . Do we really need more condominiums going up in our neighborhoods or do we need those apartment that are going up to be some kind of affordable units for those who have been living in those community who watch their neighborhood change from one thing to another from empty parking lots to full shopping malls within a matter of months . So this will be my overlapping of NY. We have millions of buildings being implanted into our neighborhood while trying to move out the people who has been living their forever. Building s and shopping mall replacing the mom and pop shops.


Roused verb roused; rousing

to stir up :excite

  • was roused to fury.  where I first encountered this was was in the colison white head reading when i was reading it i tried to read the sentences to understand what the word meant but i still wasn’t getting a really good sense of the word and how it was used so i decide to look the word up to get a better understanding of the word roused . when I thought about the word roused i was thinking about it in a sense as to get up or to wake up.  Now that i have the true definition of the word now i understand the definition of the word roused. And now i can use the word in a sentence I  How can i roused  the crowd to interact. 

summary of a literary visors strolls in from the airport

what i gather about the essay is that unlike the other Author this author is trying to come off a different way a little . even though he is not excited about the city itself and that he doesn’t think that NY is better than every where else . he is coming from a point where he talks about his 26 mile walk from the airport to Manhattan which was interesting which i myself will never walk 26 miles with all the transportation in place. He goes on to discuss the different neighborhoods he walks by he also talks about different places in Brooklyn that no tourists would ever want to come but he did . He also talks about  his different routes through different neighborhoods was suggested by one of his friends and how one of the neighborhoods he visited he really admired a lot.he came across many neighborhood that he wasn’t so happy about either and how he felt bad for he also was disappointed  on his walk through period even though their was some interesting things that he saw on his journey  he wasn’t really pleased with nothing that he saw along the way . The walk through Brooklyn to Manhattan was a good thing for him to do he compared his walk to when he was doing drugs it was something that he wanted to do. maybe to get experiences of walking through neighborhood where tourists other wise would not want to see and maybe just the walk itself was good for him

Colson white head city limits

this author comes off to me as a cocky New Yorker and that he is stuck in his way. first he talks about how he was born and raised in NY and how it has ruined it for other places that he visits like nothing else compares to the city of NY.He believes that NY is the best city and nothing else compares to his city.Which to me i would not agree with their are a lot of cities  that are very great to visit. i think that if Colson white head would give other cities a try he might would find out that other cities are nice as well.I like the part where he says “their are eight million naked cities in this naked city.meaning that everyone has their own view of their NY. Which I can agree that every one has their own little NY. He also talks about parts of New York which once was and still is his New York to him.I also like the part in the essay where he mentions that  we each walk past each other every day and never know that maybe we were neighbors before. I think that to sum the article up that Colson White head was kinda stuck up and that he believed that we each have our own views of our own little NY for ourselves and that we view Our NY  different then he view his .



noun  af·fec·ta·tion  \ ˌa-ˌfek-ˈtā-shən \
affectation the act of taking on or displaying an attitude or mode of behavior not natural  to ones self not genuinely felt . Speaking honestly without affectation mocked his plenty as affectation.

I came across the word affectation  in the reading of Colson whitehead city limits.
when I came across the word when I was reading it I didn’t quite understand how that word fit into the sentence that’s what made me look up the word to help me understand the meaning of it and why he used that word for that sentence.
once I looked the word up and I used the word in my own definition I now not what the word means and how to us it the correct way. The affectation of his different language. so I used the word in a sentence that would help me to understand what the word means.